--- Comment #4 from Sebastian Huber <> ---
(In reply to Andrew Pinski from comment #3)
> Is the nop due to alignment?

With -g and -coverage I get this code:

sparc-rtems7-gcc -O2 -o - -S unreachable.c -fverbose-asm -g -coverage
        .file   "unreachable.c"
! GNU C17 (GCC) version 11.0.0 20210205 (RTEMS 7, RSB
61dcadee0825867ebe51f9f367430ef75b8fe9c0, Newlib d4a756f) (sparc-rtems7)
!       compiled by GNU C version 11.0.0 20201130 (experimental) [revision
b46314c78061a5156bac44a317c87d32b00d4295], GMP version 6.1.0, MPFR version
3.1.4, MPC version 1.0.3, isl version isl-0.18-GMP

! GGC heuristics: --param ggc-min-expand=100 --param ggc-min-heapsize=131072
! options passed: -mcpu=v7 -g -O2 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
        .section        ".text"
        .cfi_sections   .debug_frame
        .align 4
        .global g
        .type   g, #function
        .proc   020
        .file 1 "unreachable.c"
        .loc 1 5 1 view -0
        save    %sp, -96, %sp   !
        .cfi_register 15, 31
        .cfi_def_cfa_register 30
        sethi   %hi(__gcov0.g), %g1     !, tmp112
        ldd     [%g1+%lo(__gcov0.g)], %i4       ! __gcov0.g[0], __gcov0.g[0]
        addcc   %i5, 1, %g3     ! __gcov0.g[0],, tmp115
        addx    %i4, 0, %g2     ! __gcov0.g[0],,
        .loc 1 6 9 view .LLVU1
        call    r, 0    !,
         std    %g2, [%g1+%lo(__gcov0.g)]       ! tmp115, __gcov0.g[0]

In the the no-return function case, this nop has no line debug information and
there is no profiling counter increment.

        .size   g, .-g
        .align 4
        .global f
        .type   f, #function
        .proc   020
        .loc 1 11 1 view -0
        save    %sp, -96, %sp   !
        .cfi_register 15, 31
        .cfi_def_cfa_register 30
        sethi   %hi(__gcov0.f), %g1     !, tmp114
        ldd     [%g1+%lo(__gcov0.f)], %i2       ! __gcov0.f[0], __gcov0.f[0]
        addcc   %i3, 1, %g3     ! __gcov0.f[0],, tmp117
        addx    %i2, 0, %g2     ! __gcov0.f[0],,
        or      %g1, %lo(__gcov0.f), %i5        ! tmp114,, tmp113
        .loc 1 12 9 view .LLVU3
        call    u, 0    !,
         std    %g2, [%g1+%lo(__gcov0.f)]       ! tmp117, __gcov0.f[0]
        ldd     [%i5+8], %i2    ! __gcov0.f[1], __gcov0.f[1]
        addcc   %i3, 1, %g3     ! __gcov0.f[1],, tmp123
        addx    %i2, 0, %g2     ! __gcov0.f[1],,
        std     %g2, [%i5+8]    ! tmp123, __gcov0.f[1]
        .loc 1 13 9 view .LLVU4
        .size   f, .-f

In the __builtin_unreachable() case we don't have a nop, but a profiling
counter increment is there.

clang 9 generates this code:

clang -O2 -o - -S unreachable.c -fverbose-asm -g -coverage --target=sparc
        .file   "unreachable.c"
        .globl  g                       ! -- Begin function g
        .p2align        2
        .type   g,@function
g:                                      ! @g
        .file   1 "/home/EB/sebastian_h/src/rtems/unreachable.c"
        .loc    1 5 0                   ! unreachable.c:5:0
! %bb.0:
        save %sp, -96, %sp
        .cfi_def_cfa_register %fp
        .cfi_register 15, 31
        .loc    1 6 9 prologue_end      ! unreachable.c:6:9
        sethi %hi(__llvm_gcov_ctr), %i0
        ldd [%i0+%lo(__llvm_gcov_ctr)], %i2
        addcc %i3, 1, %i5
        addxcc %i2, 0, %i4
        call r
        std %i4, [%i0+%lo(__llvm_gcov_ctr)]
        .size   g, .Lfunc_end0-g
                                        ! -- End function
        .globl  f                       ! -- Begin function f
        .p2align        2
        .type   f,@function
f:                                      ! @f
        .loc    1 11 0                  ! unreachable.c:11:0
! %bb.0:
        save %sp, -96, %sp
        .cfi_def_cfa_register %fp
        .cfi_register 15, 31
        .loc    1 12 9 prologue_end     ! unreachable.c:12:9
        sethi %hi(__llvm_gcov_ctr.1), %i0
        ldd [%i0+%lo(__llvm_gcov_ctr.1)], %i2
        addcc %i3, 1, %i5
        addxcc %i2, 0, %i4
        call u
        std %i4, [%i0+%lo(__llvm_gcov_ctr.1)]
        .size   f, .Lfunc_end1-f
                                        ! -- End function

There are no nops and no unreachable profiling counter increments.

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