--- Comment #2 from Stefan Schulze Frielinghaus <stefansf at linux dot> 
Breakpoint 4, __interception::InterceptFunction (name=0x3fffd61e8f2 "regexec",
ver=0x3fffd61eb7e "GLIBC_2.3.4", ptr_to_real=0x3fffd677d08
<__interception::real_regexec>, func=16779728, 
    wrapper=4398001883504) at
74        void *addr = GetFuncAddr(name, ver);

At the end of InterceptFunction we have:

(gdb) print addr
$1 = (void *) 0x3fffd2e9110 <__GI___regexec>

The address itself also LGTM, i.e., `readelf -s /lib64/ | grep
regexec` results in:
   279: 00000000000e9110   344 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 regexec@@GLIBC_2.3.4
 25156: 00000000000e9110   344 FUNC    LOCAL  DEFAULT   13 __GI___regexec

However, variables func and wrapper differ 

(gdb) print func
$2 = 16779728
(gdb) print wrapper
$3 = 4398001883504

so we return false.

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