--- Comment #4 from W E Brown <webrown.cpp at gmail dot com> ---
I won't comment on any compiler's behavior, but do want to thank you for
reminding me of [namespace.udecl]/14:

"When a using-declarator brings declarations from a base class into a derived
class, member functions ... in the derived class override and/or hide member
functions .. with the same name, parameter-type-list ..., and ref-qualifier (if
any), in a base class...."

Upon reflection, I believe that [namespace.udecl]/14 does not apply to the
original example because the ref-qualifier on Derived::method (i.e., none) is
not "the same" as the ref-qualifier on either Base::method.  Thus, there's no
overriding and/or hiding to be done there.

However, I believe that [namespace.udecl]/14 *does* apply to the example in
Comment 3, where Base::method and Derived::method do have "the same"
ref-qualifier (i.e., none).  There, Derived::method ought to hide Base::method
as [over.load]/2.3 seems be inapplicable.

In brief, I believe Comment 3's example ought compile due to
[namespace.udecl]/14, but the original example ought not compile due to

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