--- Comment #3 from R. Diez <rdiezmail-gcc at yahoo dot de> ---
Regarding "shifting the blame", no worries, I am grateful for any help.

I suspect that there is more than 1 issue here. Could you take a look at the
following aspect mentioned in the GDB bug?


In fact, I do not understand why StartOfUserCode is not defined in the release
build, because it is the same source code after all. The same routine is used
in the same way.

I dumped all symbols like this and I compared them:

arm-none-eabi-objdump  --syms  firmware-debug-non-lto.elf
arm-none-eabi-objdump  --syms  firmware-release-lto.elf


That particular symbol, StartOfUserCode, among many others, should be in the
release build too. And there is no GDB involved there at all.

I have not got experience with clang or lldb at all, and I have read that lldb
is not ready yet for debugging bare metal firmware (at least off the shelf).

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