--- Comment #16 from Martin Liška <marxin at gcc dot> ---
All right, so what's different about JSON and non-JSON mode:

1) normal mode:

gcov src/a.c test/a.c

First, gcda/gcno files are searched for both the arguments (so src/a.gcda, ..)
and then output is emitted for all mentioned source files (can be .c or .h
files). Note the output files x.gcov are based on *SOURCE* file names, so e.g.:

File 'tramp3d-v4.cpp'
Lines executed:0.00% of 7339
Creating 'tramp3d-v4.cpp.gcov'

File '/usr/include/c++/6/ext/new_allocator.h'
Lines executed:0.00% of 14
Creating 'new_allocator.h.gcov'

File '/usr/include/c++/6/ext/aligned_buffer.h'
Lines executed:0.00% of 8
Creating 'aligned_buffer.h.gcov'

File '/usr/include/c++/6/bits/move.h'
Lines executed:0.00% of 11
Creating 'move.h.gcov'

2) in JSON mode, we basically emit JSON output for each GCDA file (deduced from
arguments). What's currently wrong is that for
$ gcov src/a.xxxxx b.yyyyyy --json-format

The following 2 files should be created (right now b.gcov.json.gz and
a.gcov.json.gz are created)


and so -p and -x does not play any role here.

Does it make sense to you? If so, I'm prepared sending a patch candidate.

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