--- Comment #2 from Victor Luchitz <vluchits at gmail dot com> ---
Created attachment 53234
Test case

Minimal test case.

You can see in the disassembly the same pattern as described in the original
report. First gcc tests for individual bitflags on the "actionbits" variable
and stores results on the stack for each individual bitflag:

  7c:   60 b3           mov     r11,r0
  7e:   c9 10           and     #16,r0
  80:   1f 0e           mov.l   r0,@(56,r15)
  82:   60 b3           mov     r11,r0
  84:   c9 01           and     #1,r0
  86:   1f 0f           mov.l   r0,@(60,r15)

Then performs tests after fetching them from memory:

 112:   50 fd           mov.l   @(52,r15),r0
 114:   20 08           tst     r0,r0
 116:   8f 01           bf.s    11c <_R_SegLoop+0x11c>
 118:   50 fe           mov.l   @(56,r15),r0
 11a:   62 83           mov     r8,r2
 11c:   20 08           tst     r0,r0
 11e:   8f 02           bf.s    126 <_R_SegLoop+0x126>

It would make more sense to keep the value of 'actionbits' in a register and
perform tst #imm,r0 instead.

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