--- Comment #25 from rguenther at suse dot de <rguenther at suse dot de> ---
On Mon, 28 Nov 2022, crazylht at gmail dot com wrote:

> --- Comment #24 from Hongtao.liu <crazylht at gmail dot com> ---
>   _233 = {f_im_36, f_re_35, f_re_35, f_re_35};
>   _217 = {f_re_35, f_im_36, f_im_36, f_im_36};
> ...
> vect_x_re_55.15_227 = VEC_PERM_EXPR <vect_x_im_61.14_228, vect_x_im_61.13_230,
> { 0, 5, 6, 7 }>;
>   vect_x_re_55.23_211 = VEC_PERM_EXPR <vect_x_im_61.13_230,
> vect_x_im_61.14_228, { 0, 5, 6, 7 }>;
> ...
>   vect_y_re_69.17_224 = .FNMA (vect_x_re_55.15_227, _233, vect_y_re_63.9_237);
>   vect_y_re_69.25_208 = .FNMA (vect_x_re_55.23_211, _217, 
> vect_y_re_69.17_224);
> is equal to
>   _233 = {f_im_36,f_im_36, f_im_36, f_im_36}
>   _217 = {f_re_35, f_re_35, f_re_35, f_re_35};
> ...
>   vect_y_re_69.17_224 = .FNMA (vect_x_im_61.14_228, _233, vect_y_re_63.9_237)
>   vect_y_re_69.25_208 = .FNMA (vect_x_im_61.13_230, _217, vect_y_re_69.17_224)
> A simplication in match.pd?

I guess that's possible but the SLP vectorizer has a permute optimization
phase (and SLP discovery itself), it would be nice to see why the former
doesn't elide the permutes here.

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