--- Comment #3 from David Binderman <dcb314 at hotmail dot com> ---
(In reply to Andrew Pinski from comment #2)
> The code is undefined ...
>   func_23(l_26[1]);
> func_23(struct S0 p_24, struct S0 p_25)

Interesting. It looks like the reduction has not preserved the two
parameters required of func_23.

>From the original csmith produced code:

$ fgrep func_23 bug873.c
static union U2 * func_23(struct S0 p_24, const struct S1 p_25);
    if ((((*l_9) &= 0x3631L) ,
l_27), l_9, ((*l_1367) = l_1366),
> p_3), 1)) || (((safe_div_func_int64_t_s_s(p_3, p_3)) != 0x47247D4EED584808LL)
|| g_1119)), 0x21L)) > g_1165[0]), 0xB3A4A36DL)), l_27.f4.f0) <=
0x334C102EE31FC4EFLL) & p_3), g_7.f0)) & g_1165[0]) || l_1397), 0L)),
static union U2 * func_23(struct S0 p_24, const struct S1 p_25)

Two parameters in the first declaration, two in the call and two in the

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