--- Comment #6 from Johannes Kellner <johannes.kellner at wandelbots dot com> 
Ok, Ok :)
It's not to me to argue this.

It's just an unexpected behavior (something I was unaware off/ something that
does not happen when doing the same code with other compilers clang/msvc).

And in my humble opinion - `full-expression containing the call` could be
understood as - until end of enclosing scope.
Or at least if understood this way, I would not have the uninitialized variable

I just had a stupid error and found this as the reason. We discussed it and
even others in my team, assumed that it might be a bug. As we were not able to
reproduce this behavior in other compilers we tested.
Nor did see this as `invalid` code - `ugly` yes, but not `invalid`. And yes,
this code is 'not the best possible way'...

Well maybe you take this ticket as a reason to `review` the interpretation,
that `full-expression containing the call` does not mean until the `end of
enclosing scope`...

For me, I'm fine with current outcome.
Thank you anyway for the quick, very friendly and professional responses!

Best regards

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