--- Comment #6 from Mikael Morin <mikael at gcc dot> ---
I finally got my access on gcc110 working.

(gdb) r
Starting program: /home/mmorin/gcc-pr110360/pr110360/pr110419_comment4 

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x10000684 in val (x=..., c=..., _x=268635256, _c=268635135) at
6         subroutine val (x, c)
(gdb) x/4cb &x
0x10000abc:     65 'A'  0 '\000'        0 '\000'        0 '\000'
(gdb) x/4cb &c                                                                  
0xfffef30c:     0 '\000'        0 '\000'        0 '\000'        8 '\b'
(gdb) p _x
$1 = 268635256
(gdb) p _c
$2 = 268635135
(gdb) info registers
r0             0x10000804          268437508
r1             0xfffef1a0          4294898080
r2             0xf7fe9e40          4160659008
r3             0x10000abc          268438204
r4             0x41                65
r5             0x1                 1
r6             0x1                 1
r7             0x0                 0
r8             0xfd60354           265683796
r9             0x10000000          268435456
r10            0xfffef338          4294898488
r11            0xfffef338          4294898488
r12            0x24000842          603981890
r13            0x10028028          268599336
r14            0x0                 0
r15            0x0                 0
r16            0x0                 0
r17            0x0                 0
r18            0x0                 0
r19            0x0                 0
r20            0x0                 0
r21            0x0                 0
r22            0x0                 0
r23            0x0                 0
r24            0x0                 0
r25            0x0                 0
r26            0x0                 0
r27            0xf7fdf970          4160616816
r28            0xf7fe0000          4160618496
r29            0x0                 0
r30            0x41                65
r31            0xfffef1a0          4294898080
pc             0x10000684          0x10000684 <val+32>
msr            0xd032              53298
cr             0x24000842          603981890
lr             0x10000804          0x10000804 <p+80>
ctr            0xfc248a0           264390816
xer            0x0                 0
fpscr          0x0                 0
vscr           0x10000             65536
vrsave         0xffffffff          -1
orig_r3        0x10000800          268437504
trap           0x300               768
(gdb) p &x
$3 = (PTR TO -> ( character*1 )) 0x10000abc

The debug info seems to be somewhat broken, but the arguments seem to be passed
to r3, r4, r5, r6 registers and have the right value there.

(gdb) disass
Dump of assembler code for function val:
   0x10000664 <+0>:     stwu    r1,-400(r1)
   0x10000668 <+4>:     mflr    r0
   0x1000066c <+8>:     stw     r0,404(r1)
   0x10000670 <+12>:    stw     r30,392(r1)
   0x10000674 <+16>:    stw     r31,396(r1)
   0x10000678 <+20>:    mr      r31,r1
   0x1000067c <+24>:    stw     r3,360(r31)
   0x10000680 <+28>:    mr      r30,r4
=> 0x10000684 <+32>:    lbz     r9,0(r30)
   0x10000688 <+36>:    stb     r9,364(r31)
   0x1000068c <+40>:    stw     r5,368(r31)
   0x10000690 <+44>:    stw     r6,372(r31)
   0x10000694 <+48>:    stw     r11,376(r31)
   0x10000698 <+52>:    lis     r9,4096
   0x1000069c <+56>:    addi    r9,r9,2676

Not sure I read assembly correctly, but looks like we are trying to load the
second argument (available in r4) by reference instead of by value.

I don't know what to look at next.

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