--- Comment #6 from Arthur O'Dwyer <arthur.j.odwyer at gmail dot com> ---
(In reply to James Y Knight from comment #5)
> > Does using __builtin_is_constant_p on the union member not work?
> I've created a proof-of-concept patch for libc++ to support SSO strings
> during constant evaluation. It works.
> If everyone disagrees with me and believes that this is a really awesome
> foot-gun to give to users, I will go ahead and propose that patch to libc++
> maintainers. (As mentioned, that'll cause more code to be compilable under
> libc++ than is possible to permit under libstdc++/MSVC implementations).

FWIW #1: Personally I would be weakly in favor of that patch, but I would also
be pessimistic about its chances of getting accepted in the current libc++

FWIW #2: A worst-of-both-worlds option ;) would be for your patch to `if
consteval` the SSO buffer size so that it would be 24 at runtime (matching
libc++'s current behavior) but 16 at compile time (matching libstdc++ and
Microsoft if I'm not mistaken, so you'd get your cross-vendor portability at
compile time). *I* would still consider that an unnecessary-and-thus-bad
crippling of libc++ string's cool 24-byte-SSO feature; but I could imagine
someone else finding it more palatable than any other alternative. 
["Worst-of-both-worlds" in the sense that you're paying to change the code at
all, but the end result still has two codepaths that both need to be
maintained, and divergence between compile-time and runtime SSO behavior.]

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