--- Comment #22 from Robin Dapp <rdapp at gcc dot> ---
Ah, then it's not that different, your machine is just faster ;)

 callgraph ipa passes               :  69.77 ( 11%)   5.97 ( 13%)  76.05 ( 12%)
 2409M ( 10%)
 integration                        :  91.95 ( 15%)  12.52 ( 27%) 105.93 ( 16%)
13408M ( 56%)
 tree CFG cleanup                   :  76.98 ( 13%)   1.09 (  2%)  78.01 ( 12%)
  201M (  1%)
 tree STMT verifier                 :  66.62 ( 11%)   3.75 (  8%)  68.31 ( 10%)
    0  (  0%)
 integrated RA                      :  47.04 (  8%)   1.00 (  2%)  47.79 (  7%)
  879M (  4%)
 tree CCP                           :  44.31 (  7%)   3.00 (  6%)  48.39 (  7%)
  314M (  1%)
 tree SSA verifier                  :  31.40 (  5%)   1.60 (  3%)  32.25 (  5%)
    0  (  0%)
 CFG verifier                       :  14.93 (  2%)   0.74 (  2%)  16.53 (  3%)
    0  (  0%)
 callgraph verifier                 :  14.26 (  2%)   1.07 (  2%)  15.55 (  2%)
    0  (  0%)
 tree operand scan                  :  12.58 (  2%)   3.73 (  8%)  15.14 (  2%)
 1649M (  7%)
 verify RTL sharing                 :  11.70 (  2%)   0.89 (  2%)  13.31 (  2%)
    0  (  0%)
 TOTAL                              : 609.73         46.53        659.45       

FWIW we are much faster with -fno-inline (somewhat expected but I didn't expect
a factor of 3):

 callgraph ipa passes               :  53.47 ( 27%)   5.84 ( 26%)  59.52 ( 26%)
 2231M ( 26%)
 tree STMT verifier                 :  19.67 ( 10%)   1.95 (  9%)  21.47 ( 10%)
    0  (  0%)
 tree SSA verifier                  :  11.80 (  6%)   1.20 (  5%)  13.32 (  6%)
    0  (  0%)
 integrated RA                      :   8.73 (  4%)   0.72 (  3%)   9.83 (  4%)
  898M ( 10%)
 verify RTL sharing                 :   7.90 (  4%)   0.69 (  3%)   8.49 (  4%)
    0  (  0%)
 scheduling 2                       :   7.32 (  4%)   0.31 (  1%)   7.90 (  4%)
   43M (  1%)
 tree PTA                           :   6.68 (  3%)   0.69 (  3%)   7.51 (  3%)
   71M (  1%)
 CFG verifier                       :   6.67 (  3%)   0.81 (  4%)   7.29 (  3%)
    0  (  0%)
 rest of compilation                :   6.42 (  3%)   0.93 (  4%)   6.88 (  3%)
   89M (  1%)
 parser function body               :   6.35 (  3%)   2.13 (  9%)   8.40 (  4%)
  903M ( 11%)
 TOTAL                              : 201.12         22.90        225.17       

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