--- Comment #4 from Mathias Stearn <redbeard0531 at gmail dot com> ---
So even though I already knew in the back of my mind about how this can affect
benchmark results, I *still* got burned by it! I was benchmarking a simple
hazard pointer implementation against shared ptrs by having them crab-walk a
list of 1000 pointers. This was an admittedly simple and unrealistic benchmark
that only ever accessed the objects from a single thread and never had any
contention. It was a few hours after getting the initial results that I
remembered this issue and went back to add a bg thread.

> This needs numbers, not opinions

While my biggest concern was misleading benchmarks (which I now feel a bit
validated by my own mistake :), here are the numbers I see. I added
boost::shared_ptr on the assumption (unvalidated) that the primary difference
would be that it unconditionally uses atomics.

Benchmark                             Time             CPU   Iterations
BM_scanLinks_HazPtr                6420 ns         6420 ns       108948
BM_scanLinks_BoostSharedPtr       11223 ns        11223 ns        62380
BM_scanLinks_StdSharedPtr          3217 ns         3217 ns       217621
BM_scanLinks_AtomicSharedPtr      28920 ns        28920 ns        24200

And with a bg thread doing nothing but sleeping:

Benchmark                             Time             CPU   Iterations
BM_scanLinks_HazPtr                6887 ns         6887 ns       101445
BM_scanLinks_BoostSharedPtr       11224 ns        11224 ns        62373
BM_scanLinks_StdSharedPtr         14221 ns        14221 ns        49221
BM_scanLinks_AtomicSharedPtr      49574 ns        49573 ns        14126
  • [Bug libstdc++/111588] Provide ... redbeard0531 at gmail dot com via Gcc-bugs

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