--- Comment #14 from Alejandro Colomar <alx at kernel dot org> ---
Oops, I forgot to paste the version with casts.  Here it is.

It is too repetitive and error prone.

alx@debian:~/tmp/c$ cat g.c
#include <assert.h>
#include <bsd/inttypes.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>

#define is_same_type(a, b)    __builtin_types_compatible_p(a, b)
#define is_same_typeof(a, b)  is_same_type(typeof(a), typeof(b))

#define a2i(TYPE, n, s, endp, base, min, max)                                 \
({                                                                            \
        _Static_assert(is_same_typeof(TYPE *, n), "");                        \
        _Generic((TYPE) 0,                                                    \
                long:               a2sl((long *) n, s, endp, base, min, max),
                int:                a2si( (int *) n, s, endp, base, min, max) 
        );                                                                    \

#define a2sl(n, s, endp, base, min, max)                                      \
(                                                                             \
        _Generic(endp,                                                        \
                const char **:  a2sl_c,                                       \
                char **:        a2sl_nc,                                      \
                void *:         a2sl_nc                                       \
        )(n, s, endp, base, min, max)                                         \

#define a2si(n, s, endp, base, min, max)                                      \
(                                                                             \
        _Generic(endp,                                                        \
                const char **:  a2si_c,                                       \
                char **:        a2si_nc,                                      \
                void *:         a2si_nc                                       \
        )(n, s, endp, base, min, max)                                         \

static inline int a2sl_c(long *restrict n, const char *s,
    const char **restrict endp, int base, long min, long max);
static inline int a2si_c(int *restrict n, const char *s,
    const char **restrict endp, int base, int min, int max);

static inline int a2sl_nc(long *restrict n, const char *s,
    char **restrict endp, int base, long min, long max);
static inline int a2si_nc(int *restrict n, const char *s,
    char **restrict endp, int base, int min, int max);

static inline int
a2sl_c(long *restrict n, const char *s,
    const char **restrict endp, int base, long min, long max)
        return a2sl_nc(n, s, (char **) endp, base, min, max);

static inline int
a2si_c(int *restrict n, const char *s,
    const char **restrict endp, int base, int min, int max)
        return a2si_nc(n, s, (char **) endp, base, min, max);

static inline int
a2sl_nc(long *restrict n, const char *s,
    char **restrict endp, int base, long min, long max)
        int  status;

        *n = strtoi(s, endp, base, min, max, &status);
        if (status != 0) {
                errno = status;
                return -1;
        return 0;

static inline int
a2si_nc(int *restrict n, const char *s,
    char **restrict endp, int base, int min, int max)
        int  status;

        *n = strtoi(s, endp, base, min, max, &status);
        if (status != 0) {
                errno = status;
                return -1;
        return 0;

        time_t  t;

        a2i(time_t, &t, "42", NULL, 0, 0, 10);
alx@debian:~/tmp/c$ cc -Wall -Wextra g.c -S

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