--- Comment #26 from Aldy Hernandez <aldyh at gcc dot> ---
I think there's something fundamentally wrong in the *backwards* threader that
causes us to blow up, even without fully resolving conditions with a global

I tried running at -O1 and -fenable-tree-thread1.  This basically adds just one
non fully-resolving) backwards threader instance (i.e. not
-fenable-tree-threadfull1, which is what we do at -O2).  This helps analyze the
problem with the backwards threader, bringing down the test arena from hours to
less than 30 minutes:

With -O1 -fenable-tree-thread1 (no threadfull):
 dominator optimization             : 127.76 (  7%)   0.57 (  7%) 128.58 (  7%)
  236M (  9%)
 backwards jump threading           :1375.45 ( 79%)   1.81 ( 22%)1382.33 ( 79%)
  519M ( 20%)
 TOTAL                              :1733.30          8.16       1747.35       

What's curious is that adding just this one non-resolving backward threader
instance causes us to go from 370 seconds to 1733 seconds.  That's a full 20
minutes for one backward threader pass.

Richi mentioned that the handcuffs he added weren't being triggered in the
backwards threader because ranger was going outside the path, but
-fenable-tree-thread1 adds a light-weight threading pass that shouldn't use
anything but gori (*).  So, either we're doing something stupid in path
discovery, or we're looking outside the path, even with a non-resolving
threader.  Something definitely smells bad.

(*) Well, technically we use the global ranger to look at relations.  Andrew,
would looking at relations cause us to look outside of the given path?

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