Dear Daniel,

thank you for the review.

Daniel Kraft wrote:
+      fputs ("lock-variable=", dumpfile);
+      if (c->expr1 != NULL)
+       show_expr (c->expr1);

Why do you dump "lock-variable=" in any case, while you only print the
names for the other arguments only if present?

The lock variable is required and thus always present; the others (stat=, errmgs=, and lock_acquired=) are optional.

- -  gfc_expr *expr1, *expr2, *expr3;
+  gfc_expr *expr1, *expr2, *expr3, *expr4;

Just a side-remark, but this makes me wonder whether we should at some
point use a union there if we keep adding more and more expressions?  So
that the code can be understood more easily and it is always clear what
something like c->expr3 actually references?

Maybe. Though at least expr1 and expr2 are used by most statements thus it will be rather invasive.

+          tmp = NULL;
+         break;

Looks like a white-space / tab mismatch in the tmp = NULL line.


For the same context (lock_unlock_statement function):  We're repeating
the same matching logic thrice for all stat-variables ... maybe I would
be tempted to think about a way out; possibly using a macro.  Although
this may of course also make the code harder to read.  I'm certainly ok
with the code as it is, just a thought.  (I personally don't really like
duplicating code so large, although it is a very simple and clear one.)

I left it as is. I agree that it is a code duplication, but I think a macro does not really make it readable and three items - all which are relatively short - is small enough to tolerate the duplication.


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