On Tue, 7 Jun 2011, Andrew Haley wrote:
>> The vast majority of users does not need the former and the latter is
>> on the verge of becoming practically irrelevant.  As one datapoint, the
>> entire FreeBSD Ports Collection has a single(!) port relying on GCJ.
> It's not quite as irrelevant as you think: The IcedTea bootrapping
> process that's used to port OpenJDK depends on gcj.  The first thing
> we have to do an any target is get gcj working.  I'm doing that right
> now.

Agreed, but how many users of GCC (even those building GCC from
scratch) do have a need for our Java support?  I am pretty sure
it's a minority, that's why I suggest to not put everything into
one large tarball but of course leave it available.


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