
On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 12:22:44AM +0300, Ilya Verbin wrote:
> Hi!
> Currently if a target* pragma appears within a target region, GCC successfully
> compiles such code (with a warning).  But the binary fails at run-time, since 
> it
> tries to call GOMP_target* functions on target.
> The spec says: "If a target, target update, or target data construct appears
> within a target region then the behavior is unspecified."
> I see 2 options to make the behavior more user-friendly:
> 1. To return an error at compile-time.
> 2. To check at run-time in libgomp whether GOMP_target* is called on target, 
> and
> perform target-fallback if so.

What actually happens when an accelerator calls a libgomp function?
Is a target libgomp port invoked?  If so, it should easily know it
runs on a target even without a run-time check, I suppose.  Or do you
somehow bring that call back to the host?



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