Dear Andre,

It was indeed the associate(pam => im(:, c)) that I had in mind. If
you have that working and in the tescase, that's good enough for me.



On 22 June 2015 at 17:15, Andre Vehreschild <> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> On Mon, 22 Jun 2015 16:04:09 +0200
> Paul Richard Thomas <> wrote:
>> Hi Andre,
>> Some questions: The first and second chunks look a bit awkward in
>> parse.c. Do they have to be there in order that primary.c does the
>> right thing?
> I tried at first to do this rank resolution in primary.c, but that was too
> late. parse.c needs to propagate the rank correctly. When I remember 
> correctly,
> then doing so later prevents parse.c to correctly recognize the vector (from
> the example in the initial description) as such, i.e., the indexing in
> vector(2) was not allowed. gfortran assumed vector to be scalar. So, IMHO yes.
>> Could the whole lot be transferred to resolve.c or would that make it
>> horribly messy?
> Again, IMO is it not easily transferable to primary.c or even resolve.c.
> Therefore no.
>> I couldn't apply the patch right now -
>> does it work with variable expressions for the target array indices?
> I am not quite sure, what you mean. Something like this:
>   associate(pam => im(2:3, 2:3))
>     pam = 9
>     pam(1,2) = 10
>     do c = 1, 2
>         pam(2, c) = 0
>     end do
>   end associate
> ? I have added that to the testcase and it works. Or do you want the variable
> expressions in the target, like this:
>   integer :: expect(20)= 23
>   integer :: im(4,5) = 23
>   integer :: c
>   expect(2:3) = 9
>   do c = 1, 5
>     im = 23
>     associate(pam => im(:, c))
>       pam(2:3) = 9
>     end associate
>     if (any (reshape(im, [20]) /= expect)) call abort()
>     ! Shift expect
>     expect = [expect(17:), expect(:16)]
>   end do
> Will this do, or did you have something more elaborate in mind? This is also
> working and in the testcase now.
> Thanks for the review so far.
> Regards,
>         Andre
> --
> Andre Vehreschild * Email: vehre ad gmx dot de

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Groucho Marx

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