On 09/10/2015 10:28 PM, David Malcolm wrote:
Attached is a work-in-progress patch kit implementing these ideas.
I posting it now to get feedback: some parts of it may be ready to
commit, but other parts are definitely *not* ready yet.

It's hard to provide meaningful review under these conditions. My advice would be to resubmit the things that are ready now and can stand on their own so that we can get them out of the way first. Also, gather memory/time information before posting the patches if that seems likely to be important. For example, patch 21 looks quite cool but also potentially expensive, I'd probably want that to be restricted by param to identifiers of a maximum length (for both identifiers being compared).

For the most part I declare myself agnostic as to whether this is an improvement or not, and leave that for others to comment on. I personally prefer single-line errors without much noise.

I see lots of unit tests implemented as plugins - have we decided that this is the mechanism we want to use for this kind of thing?

Patch 3 is ok as a purely mechanical move.


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