On 10/02/2015 04:22 AM, Andrew MacLeod wrote:
The patches are generated by a pair of tools.
* gcc-order-includes goes through the headers and canonically reorders some of 
our more common/troublesome headers and removes any duplicates.  This includes 
headers which are included by other headers. (ie, obstack.h can be removed as a 
duplicate if bitmap.h is included already.)
* remove-includes is the tool which tries to remove each non-conditional header 
file and does the real work.

Is the bitmap/obstack example really one of a change that is desirable? I think if a file uses obstacks then an include of obstack.h is perfectly fine, giving us freedom to e.g. change bitmaps not to use obstacks. Given that multiple headers include obstack.h, and pretty much everything seems to indirectly include bitmap.h anyway, maybe a better change would be to just include it always in system.h.

I'll have a patch shortly to add these and some other useful tools to a
header-tools directory in contrib.

How soon? It's difficult to meaningfully comment on these patches without looking at how they were generated. Two points:
 * diff -c is somewhat unusual and I find diff -u much more readable.
 * Maybe the patches for reordering and removing should be split, also
   for readability and for easier future identification of problems.


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