On 10/22/2015 08:00 AM, Jakub Jelinek wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 07:47:01AM -0700, Cesar Philippidis wrote:
>>> But it is unclear from the parsing what from these is allowed:
>> int v, w;
>> ...
>> gang(26)  // equivalent to gang(num:26)
>> gang(v)   // gang(num:v)
>> vector(length: 16)  // vector(length: 16)
>> vector(length: v)  // vector(length: v)
>> vector(16)  // vector(length: 16)
>> vector(v)   // vector(length: v)
>> worker(num: 16)  // worker(num: 16)
>> worker(num: v)   // worker(num: 16)
>> worker(16)  // worker(num: 16)
>> worker(v)   // worker(num: 16)
>> gang(16, 24)  // technically gang(num:16, num:24) is acceptable but it
>>               // should be an error
>> gang(v, w)  // likewise
>> gang(static: 16, num: 5)  // gang(static: 16, num: 5)
>> gang(static: v, num: w)   // gang(static: v, num: w)
>> gang(num: 5, static: 4)   // gang(num: 5, static: 4)
>> gang(num: v, static: w)   // gang(num: v, static: w)
>> Also note that the static argument can accept '*'.
>>> and if the length: or num: part is really optional, then
>>> int length, num;
>>> vector(length)
>>> worker(num)
>>> gang(num, static: 6)
>>> gang(static: 5, num)
>>> should be also accepted (or subset thereof?).
>> Interesting question. The spec is unclear. It defines gang, worker and
>> vector as follows in section 2.7 in the OpenACC 2.0a spec:
>>   gang [( gang-arg-list )]
>>   worker [( [num:] int-expr )]
>>   vector [( [length:] int-expr )]
>> where gang-arg is one of:
>>   [num:] int-expr
>>   static: size-expr
>> and gang-arg-list may have at most one num and one static argument,
>> and where size-expr is one of:
>>   *
>>   int-expr
>> So I've interpreted that as a requirement that length and num must be
>> followed by an int-expr, whatever that is.
> My reading of the above is that
> vector(length)
> is equivalent to
> vector(length: length)
> and
> worker(num)
> is equivalent to
> vector(num: num)
> etc.  Basically, neither length nor num aren't reserved identifiers,
> so you can use them for variable names, and if
> vector(v) is equivalent to vector(length: v), then
> vector(length) should be equivalent to vector(length:length)
> or
> vector(length + 1) should be equivalent to vector(length: length+1)
> static is a keyword that can't start an integral expression, so I guess
> it is fine if you issue an expected : diagnostics after it.

You're correct. I overlooked that 'int length, num' declaration.

> In any case, please add a testcase (both C and C++) which covers all these
> allowed variants (ideally one testcase) and rejected variants (another
> testcase with dg-error).
> This is still an easy case, as even the C FE has 2 tokens lookup.
> E.g. for OpenMP map clause where
> map (always, tofrom: x)
> means one thing and
> map (always, tofrom, y)
> another one (map (tofrom: always, tofrom, y))
> I had to do quite ugly things to get around this.

I'll add more test cases.


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