On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 1:18 AM, Steve Kargl
<s...@troutmask.apl.washington.edu> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 12:29:02AM +0200, Janne Blomqvist wrote:
>> the GFortran random number generator (RANDOM_NUMBER and RANDOM_SEED
>> intrinsics) has a number of issues that the attached preliminary patch
>> tries to address.
> First, I think your effort to retool random numbers is a nice enhancement
> for gfortran.  But, ...
>> - When RANDOM_SEED is called without arguments, the master_seed and
>>   current thread seed is set to random data read from the OS
>>   /dev/urandom device. Otherwise like above.
> Doesn't this break backwards compatibility with the current
> implementation.  In the following program, the call to random_seed
> resets the stream.  If an OS has /dev/urandom, then the two streamsr
> won't match?

Yes, but backwards compatibility is already broken to some extent
(different behavior for multi-threaded programs, different streams due
to a different generator and initial seed), so I thought that this was
a good time to do this as well, although per se the rest of the patch
does not depend on this. I think this is better than the status quo,
because if one wants a static seed it's easy enough to do, but getting
random data from the OS is somewhat trickier, so I think it's better
to do it in the library rather than trusting end users to get it

> program prngtest
>    real x
>    integer i
>    do i = 1, 5
>       call random_number(x)
>       print *, x
>    end do
>    call random_seed
>    print *
>    do i = 1, 5
>       call random_number(x)
>       print *, x
>    end do
> end program prngtest
> % gfc -o z r.f90 && ./z
>   0.997559547
>   0.566824675
>   0.965915322
>   0.747927666
>   0.367390871
>   0.997559547
>   0.566824675
>   0.965915322
>   0.747927666
>   0.367390871
> I realize that the above behavior and (if I understand
> correctly) your newly implemented behavior are both
> conforming.  We'll definitely need to put this in the
> release notes.

Yes, absolutely.

>> Note that the patch is preliminary, it works so one can evaluate
>> performance but there are bugs (e.g. njumps is never incremented, so
>> all threads generate the same stream), documentation needs to be
>> updated, RANDOM_SEED is not tested, the fronted check for the seed
>> size needs to be updated, etc.
> Two questions.
> 1) Does the patch deal with PR 52879?

To be honest, I haven't tested.  FWIW, the paper at


contains results of some experiments on how quickly the generator
escapes from a low-entropy state.

(I think one issue behind PR 52879 is that part of the seed is only
used for generating real(8/16) and are  thus unused for real(4))

> 2) Does it maintain the correspondence between a REAL(4) and
>    REAL(8) stream if the same seeds are used?  For example,
> program foo
>    integer, parameter :: seed(12) = [1, 12, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456, &
>    &  654321, 54321, 4321, 321, 21, 1]
>    real(4) x
>    real(8) y
>    call random_seed(put=seed)
>    call random_number(x)
>    call random_seed(put=seed)
>    call random_number(y)
>    print *, x, y
> end program foo
> %  gfc -o z r.f90 && ./z
>   0.181959510      0.18195952290401995

No, it doesn't do this. Currently each thread only has a single set of
state variables (vs. 3 for the current). Additionally, for real(4), a
single 64-bit random value is used to create two real(4) variables,
but the performance advantage of this isn't huge compared to the naive
implementation of discarding half of the 64 random bits per call.
OTOH, it's not particularly hard to do this in user code if one wants
to, so is this feature really worth it?

Janne Blomqvist

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