
On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 10:29 AM, Bert Wesarg <bert.wes...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi David,
>> Various tools that operate on source code files will inject markers
>> into them when an unfixable conflict occurs in a merger.
>> There appears to be no blessed standard for these conflict markers,
>> but an ad-hoc convention is for 7 '<' , '=', or '>' characters at
>> the start of a line, followed optionally by a space and optional
>> text
>> e.g.:
>> <<<<<<< HEAD
>> extern int some_var;
>> =======
>> extern short some_var;
>> >>>>>>> Some other branch
>> This convention is followed by GNU patch:
>>   http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/patch.git/tree/src/merge.c
>> by git:
>> http://git.kernel.org/cgit/git/git.git/tree/Documentation/merge-config.txt
>> and by various other tools.
> if you read both of these tools carefully, you will notice an alternative
> conflict style (named 'diff3' in both of them), that includes a third
> section, the common pre-image. Here is an example:
> <<<<<<< HEAD
> extern int some_var;
> ||||||| merge base
> extern int var;
> =======
> extern short var;
>>>>>>>> Some other branch
> Additionally, git supports a custom conflict-marker-size to change the
> default of 7 on a per file name (the conflict-marker-size attribute). So it
> may be worthwhile to support other sizes than 7 in this patch too.

you never commentewd on my mail, but I saw this now in trunk. I can
only repeat myself here.



> Bert

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