On 04/01/2016 07:02 PM, Martin Sebor wrote:
Fair enough.  I don't think we can impose an arbitrary 64K limit,
however, as that is a lot smaller than the 8MB default stack size, and
programs can use setrlimit to increase the stack farther.  For GCC 6 let
not impose any limit beyond non-negative/overflowing, and as you say we
can do something better in GCC 7.

Would you be open to imposing a somewhat more permissive limit,
say on the order of one or a few megabytes (but less than the
default 8 MB on Linux)?

I ask because I expect the majority of programmer errors with
VLAs to be due to out-of-range bounds that couldn't be
accommodated even if stack space was extended well beyond
the Linux default (say hundreds of MB), or that would result
in complete stack space exhaustion.  I.e., not caused by
deliberately trying to create very large VLAs but rather by
accidentally creating VLAs with unconstrained bounds (due to
a failure to validate input, uninitialized unsigned variables,

I expect fewer cases to be due to negative or zero bounds or
excessive initializers.

I also expect programmers to want to find out about such bugs
sooner (i.e., in unit testing with plentiful stack space) rather
than after software has been deployed (and under low stack space
conditions not exercised during unit testing).

To that end, I think a lower limit is going to be more helpful
than a permissive one (or none at all).

But if even a few MB seems too strict, I would find having even
an exceedingly liberal limit (say 1GB) much preferable to none
at all as it makes it possible to exercise boundary conditions
such as the size overflow problem you noted below.

That sounds reasonable, as long as users with unusual needs can adjust it with a flag, but even so I'm nervous about doing this in stage 4. It certainly isn't a regression.

During additional testing it dawned on me that there is no good
way to validate (or even to initialize) the initializer list of
a multi-dimensional VLA that isn't unambiguously braced.

For example, the following VLA with N = 2 and N = 3:

     int A [M][N] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

Unpatched, GCC initializes it to { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }.
With my first patch, GCC throws.  Neither is correct, but doing
the right thing would involve emitting parameterizing the
initialization code for the value of each bound.  While that
might be doable it feels like a bigger change than I would be
comfortable attempting at this stage.  To avoid the problem I've
made it an error to specify a partially braced VLA initializer.

Sounds good.

If you think it's worthwhile, I can see about implementing the
runtime reshaping in stage 1.

No, thanks.  I think requiring explicit bracing is fine.

It seems to me that we want use the existing check for excess
initializers in build_vec_init, in the if (length_check) section, though
as you mention in 70019 that needs to be improved to handle STRING_CST.

I don't think modifying build_vec_init() alone would be sufficient.
For example, the function isn't called for a VLA with a constant
bound like this one:

  int A [2][N] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

That seems like a bug, due to array_of_runtime_bound_p returning false for that array.

Also, I think we should check for invalid bounds in
compute_array_index_type, next to the UBsan code.  Checking bounds only
from cp_finish_decl means that we don't check uses of VLA types other
than variable declarations.

You mean VLA typedefs?  That's true, though I have consciously
avoided dealing with those.  They're outlawed in N3639 and so
I've been focusing just on variables.  But since GCC accepts
VLA typedefs too I was thinking I would bring them up at some
point in the future to decide what to do about them.

And cast to pointer to VLAs. But for non-variable cases we don't care about available stack, so we wouldn't want your allocation limit to apply.

As for where to add the bounds checking code, I also at first
thought of checking the bounds parallel to the UBSan code in
compute_array_index_type() and even tried that approach. The
problem with it is that it only considers one array dimension
at a time, without the knowledge of the others.  As a result,
as noted in sanitizer/70051, it doesn't correctly detect
overflows in the bounds of multidimensional VLAs.

It doesn't, but I don't see why it couldn't. It should be fine to check each dimension for overflow separately; if an inner dimension doesn't overflow, we can go on and consider the outer dimension.

Incidentally, I was wondering if it would make sense to use the overflowing calculation for both TYPE_SIZE and the sanity check when we're doing both.

+          /* Avoid instrumenting constexpr functions.  Those must
+         be checked statically, and the (non-constexpr) dynamic
+         instrumentation would cause them to be rejected.  */

Hmm, this sounds wrong; constexpr functions can also be called with
non-constant arguments, and the instrumentation should be folded away
when evaluating a call with constant arguments.

You're right that constexpr functions should be checked as
well.  Unfortunately, at present, due to c++/70507 the check
(or rather the call to __builtin_mul_overflow) isn't folded
away and we end up with error: call to internal function.

Ah, sure. It should be pretty simple to teach the constexpr code how to handle that built-in.


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