This patch modifies the finalization machinery to recognize a controlled
deferred constant initialized by means of a build-in-place function call
as requiring finalization actions.

-- Source --


private with Ada.Finalization;

package Types is
   type T (<>) is limited private;
   function Create return T;

   type T is new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with record
      Id : Natural := 0;
   end record;

   overriding procedure Initialize (X : in out T);
   overriding procedure Finalize (X : in out T);
end Types;

--  types.adb

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

package body Types is
   Id_Gen : Natural := 0;

   procedure Finalize (X : in out T) is
      Put_Line ("  fin" & X.Id'Img);
      X.Id := 0;

   procedure Initialize (X : in out T) is
      Id_Gen := Id_Gen + 1;
      X.Id   := Id_Gen;
      Put_Line ("  ini" & X.Id'Img);
   end Initialize;

   function Create return T is
      return Result : T do
         Put_Line ("Create");
      end return;
   end Create;
end Types;

--  main.adb

with Types; use Types;

procedure Main is
   Obj : T renames Create;
end Main;

-- Compilation and output --

$ gnatmake -q main.adb
$ ./main
  ini 1
  fin 1

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2016-06-16  Hristian Kirtchev  <>

        * exp_ch7.adb (Find_Last_Init): Remove obsolete code. The
        logic is now performed by Process_Object_Declaration.
        (Process_Declarations): Recognize a controlled deferred
        constant which is in fact initialized by means of a
        build-in-place function call as needing finalization actions.
        (Process_Object_Declaration): Insert the counter after the
        build-in-place initialization call for a controlled object. This
        was previously done in Find_Last_Init.
        * exp_util.adb (Requires_Cleanup_Actions): Recognize a controlled
        deferred constant which is in fact initialized by means of a
        build-in-place function call as needing finalization actions.

Index: exp_ch7.adb
--- exp_ch7.adb (revision 237429)
+++ exp_ch7.adb (working copy)
@@ -2100,16 +2100,21 @@
                --  The object is of the form:
-               --    Obj : Typ [:= Expr];
+               --    Obj : [constant] Typ [:= Expr];
-               --  Do not process the incomplete view of a deferred constant.
-               --  Do not consider tag-to-class-wide conversions.
+               --  Do not process tag-to-class-wide conversions because they do
+               --  not yield an object. Do not process the incomplete view of a
+               --  deferred constant. Note that an object initialized by means
+               --  of a build-in-place function call may appear as a deferred
+               --  constant after expansion activities. These kinds of objects
+               --  must be finalized.
                elsif not Is_Imported (Obj_Id)
                  and then Needs_Finalization (Obj_Typ)
-                 and then not (Ekind (Obj_Id) = E_Constant
-                                and then not Has_Completion (Obj_Id))
                  and then not Is_Tag_To_Class_Wide_Conversion (Obj_Id)
+                 and then not (Ekind (Obj_Id) = E_Constant
+                                and then not Has_Completion (Obj_Id)
+                                and then No (BIP_Initialization_Call (Obj_Id)))
@@ -2757,48 +2762,9 @@
             Stmt := Next_Suitable_Statement (Decl);
-            --  A limited controlled object initialized by a function call uses
-            --  the build-in-place machinery to obtain its value.
+            --  Nothing to do for an object with suppressed initialization
-            --    Obj : Lim_Controlled_Type := Func_Call;
-            --  is expanded into
-            --    Obj  : Lim_Controlled_Type;
-            --    type Ptr_Typ is access Lim_Controlled_Type;
-            --    Temp : constant Ptr_Typ :=
-            --             Func_Call
-            --               (BIPalloc  => 1,
-            --                BIPaccess => Obj'Unrestricted_Access)'reference;
-            --  In this scenario the declaration of the temporary acts as the
-            --  last initialization statement.
-            if Is_Limited_Type (Obj_Typ)
-              and then Has_Init_Expression (Decl)
-              and then No (Expression (Decl))
-            then
-               while Present (Stmt) loop
-                  if Nkind (Stmt) = N_Object_Declaration
-                    and then Present (Expression (Stmt))
-                    and then Is_Object_Access_BIP_Func_Call
-                               (Expr   => Expression (Stmt),
-                                Obj_Id => Obj_Id)
-                  then
-                     Last_Init := Stmt;
-                     exit;
-                  end if;
-                  Next (Stmt);
-               end loop;
-            --  Nothing to do for an object with supporessed initialization.
-            --  Note that this check is not performed at the beginning of the
-            --  routine because a declaration marked with No_Initialization
-            --  may still be initialized by a build-in-place call (the case
-            --  above).
-            elsif No_Initialization (Decl) then
+            if No_Initialization (Decl) then
             --  In all other cases the initialization calls follow the related
@@ -2937,18 +2903,33 @@
              Expression => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Counter_Val));
          --  Insert the counter after all initialization has been done. The
-         --  place of insertion depends on the context. If an object is being
-         --  initialized via an aggregate, then the counter must be inserted
-         --  after the last aggregate assignment.
+         --  place of insertion depends on the context.
-         if Ekind_In (Obj_Id, E_Constant, E_Variable)
-           and then Present (Last_Aggregate_Assignment (Obj_Id))
-         then
-            Count_Ins := Last_Aggregate_Assignment (Obj_Id);
-            Body_Ins  := Empty;
+         if Ekind_In (Obj_Id, E_Constant, E_Variable) then
+            --  The object is initialized by a build-in-place function call.
+            --  The counter insertion point is after the function call.
+            if Present (BIP_Initialization_Call (Obj_Id)) then
+               Count_Ins := BIP_Initialization_Call (Obj_Id);
+               Body_Ins  := Empty;
+            --  The object is initialized by an aggregate. Insert the counter
+            --  after the last aggregate assignment.
+            elsif Present (Last_Aggregate_Assignment (Obj_Id)) then
+               Count_Ins := Last_Aggregate_Assignment (Obj_Id);
+               Body_Ins  := Empty;
+            --  In all other cases the counter is inserted after the last call
+            --  to either [Deep_]Initialize or the type-specific init proc.
+            else
+               Find_Last_Init (Count_Ins, Body_Ins);
+            end if;
          --  In all other cases the counter is inserted after the last call to
-         --  either [Deep_]Initialize or the type specific init proc.
+         --  either [Deep_]Initialize or the type-specific init proc.
             Find_Last_Init (Count_Ins, Body_Ins);
Index: exp_util.adb
--- exp_util.adb        (revision 237510)
+++ exp_util.adb        (working copy)
@@ -2948,10 +2948,9 @@
-              and then not Nkind_In
-                             (Parent (Par), N_Function_Call,
-                                            N_Procedure_Call_Statement,
-                                            N_Entry_Call_Statement)
+              and then not Nkind_In (Parent (Par), N_Function_Call,
+                                                   N_Procedure_Call_Statement,
+                                                   N_Entry_Call_Statement)
                return Par;
@@ -8279,16 +8278,21 @@
                return False;
             --  The object is of the form:
-            --    Obj : Typ [:= Expr];
+            --    Obj : [constant] Typ [:= Expr];
-            --  Do not process the incomplete view of a deferred constant. Do
-            --  not consider tag-to-class-wide conversions.
+            --  Do not process tag-to-class-wide conversions because they do
+            --  not yield an object. Do not process the incomplete view of a
+            --  deferred constant. Note that an object initialized by means
+            --  of a build-in-place function call may appear as a deferred
+            --  constant after expansion activities. These kinds of objects
+            --  must be finalized.
             elsif not Is_Imported (Obj_Id)
               and then Needs_Finalization (Obj_Typ)
+              and then not Is_Tag_To_Class_Wide_Conversion (Obj_Id)
               and then not (Ekind (Obj_Id) = E_Constant
-                             and then not Has_Completion (Obj_Id))
-              and then not Is_Tag_To_Class_Wide_Conversion (Obj_Id)
+                             and then not Has_Completion (Obj_Id)
+                             and then No (BIP_Initialization_Call (Obj_Id)))
                return True;

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