
On Fri, 17 Jun 2016, Bernd Schmidt wrote:

> > The "0xe9 <four random bytes>" essentially is the leave+return opcode, 
> > after all it jumps to them (let's ignore the possibility that the jump 
> > target address might contain a 0xc3 byte).  So if the attacker finds 
> > some interesting gadget in <random bytes1> I don't see how the change 
> > from leave+ret to jump-to-leave+ret changes anything from a threat 
> > avoidance perspective.  It's fully possible that I don't understand 
> > the threat vector of ROP correctly, in which case I'd also like to 
> > know :)
> The advantage is that this way the attack can't skip the leave opcode by 
> jumping into the "random bytes1" in your first sequence. Hence, we 
> ensure the return path will always overwrite esp first, which is what's 
> supposed to make the attack harder since now you need to control ebp as 
> well.

Okay, thanks.  So it's really the wish for an inseparable leave+ret 
leading to this; that sort of makes sense I guess.

P.S: Though I do feel these ROP counter measures are not much more than 
security by obscurity; I guess enough obscurity indeed can at least lead 
to harder to exploit programs.

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