On 31/07/16 20:21 +0100, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
(I'm getting really annoyed with line numbers matching columns!)

testsuite/20_util/pair/cons/explicit_construct.cc is another one where
this happens. If you remove a blank line near the top of the file it
starts FAILing, because the error at explicit_construct.cc:55:40:
matches a dg-error on line 40.

Whitespace changes that cause testsuite FAILs are infuriating (and
hard to identify sometimes).

On IRC last week I proposed adding -fno-show-column to
libstdc++-v3/scripts/testsuite_flags.in which solves the problem.
Other people suggested I should tweak deajagnu to make it not match
column numbers. I tried various things, and tried to understand how
the front-end tests solve the problem, but simply adding
-fno-show-column seemed the simplest and most robust.

Better ideas would be welcome.

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