On Fri, Sep 02, 2016 at 05:08:34PM -0400, Eric Gallager wrote:
> > The only way to know for sure what GCC is warning about is to look at the
> > uninit dump.
> How exactly do I generate an uninit dump? I'm not seeing any relevant
> options in the GCC manual...


> > Moreover, if the warning is bogus and not a regression, it is very likely
> > that it is reported already here:
> > https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=24639
> >
> > The effort dedicated to report and analyze the report would be better spent
> > fixing any of the issues already known.
> >
> > Nevertheless, assignments within 'if' are one of the things that make
> > reading GCC code harder than it needs to be (and combine.c is scary).
> So would a patch to move the assignment out of the 'if' be better then?

Not really; this idiom is used all over the place in combine (including
a few times with this same variable!)

It seems to be a regression, anyway?  Older versions built fine?


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