> this means using as many processes as there are CPUs, right?  It seems pretty

Right, but only for gnattools, which is a relatively short time, and
which always occurs at the end of the build (so with nothing else
running at the same time).

> dubious to me to use more processes than the user maybe asked for.  For 
> example
> I have to restrict the number of CPUs used when building GCC to less than I 
> have
> since otherwise my machine overheats and turns itself off.  Is there some way
> to get at the -j level the user passed to the top-level make and use that?

No, I'm not aware of a way to get this information.

I'd suggest playing/experimenting with this change for a while.

If people (e.g. you) report troubles with this change, reverting it is
very easy in any case. I'll be happy to do that.


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