On Tue, 15 Nov 2016, Alexander Monakov wrote:
> Yep, I do see new test execution failures with both Intel MIC and PTX 
> offloading
> on device-1.f90, device-3.f90 and target2.f90.  Here's an actually-tested 
> patch
> for the first two (on target2.f90 there's a different problem).

And here's a patch for target2.f90.  I don't have a perfect understanding of
mapping clauses, but the test appears to need to explicitly map pointer
variables, at a minimum.  Also, 'map (from: r)' is missing on the last target

        * testsuite/libgomp.fortran/target2.f90 (foo): Add mapping clauses to
        target construct.

diff --git a/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.fortran/target2.f90 
index 42f704f..7119774 100644
--- a/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.fortran/target2.f90
+++ b/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.fortran/target2.f90
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ contains
       r = r .or. (any (k(5:n-5) /= 17)) .or. (lbound (k, 1) /= 4) .or. (ubound 
(k, 1) /= n)
     !$omp end target
     if (r) call abort
-    !$omp target map (to: d(2:n+1), n)
+    !$omp target map (to: d(2:n+1), f, j) map (from: r)
       r = a /= 7
       r = r .or. (any (b /= 8)) .or. (lbound (b, 1) /= 3) .or. (ubound (b, 1) 
/= n)
       r = r .or. (any (c /= 9)) .or. (lbound (c, 1) /= 5) .or. (ubound (c, 1) 
/= n + 4)

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