Hi Gerald, Jerry,

as the author of this program (and the maintainer of that site) I am
honoured that you refer to this. But I would like to tell you a bit
about the history:
I started CHKSYS in the time that FORTRAN 77 was still the main
standard, so much of the tests that are contained in this program are
specific to all the variations I had encountered with various FORTRAN
compilers. I did start a version for Fortran 90, but I was rather a
novice wrt that standard back then and I never really achieved a
satisfactory set of tests.

Some time last year I started anew with a set of programs - see the
chkfeatures subdirectory in the source repository. These programs
check whether a compiler supports features found in Fortran 2003 and
2008 and various common extensions that I am aware of. Since the
checks frequently cause the compilers to complain - and are even
designed for this - I have set this up as a collection of programs,
rather than a single one.

Checking the web pages, I see I should really update the original page
and integrate the new stuff with it. If you have any suggestions to
make the reference easier (access to the source code from that page?),
then let me know. I am no hero when it comes to web design, but a
better set-up of links and such is well within my capacity.



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