On Monday 24 April 2017, Jakub Jelinek wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 10:02:40AM +0200, Allan Sandfeld Jensen wrote:
> > > That said, both the options I've mentioned above provide the same
> > > advantages and don't have the disadvantages of pessimizing normal code.
> > 
> > What pessimizing? This produce the same or better code for all legal
> > arguments. The only difference besides better generated code is that it
> > allows
> No.  Have you really tried that?
> > the intrinsics to be used incorrectly with non-literal arguments because
> > we lack the C-extension for constexp to prevent that.
> Consider e.g. -O2 -mavx2 -mtune=intel:
> #include <x86intrin.h>
> __m256i
> foo (__m256i x, int s)
> {
>   return (__m256i)__builtin_ia32_psllwi256 ((__v16hi)x, s);
> }
> __m256i
> bar (__m256i x, int s)
> {
>   return ((s & 0xff) < 16) ? (__m256i)((__v16hi)x << (s & 0xff)) :
> _mm256_setzero_si256 (); }
> The first one generates
>         movl    %edi, %edi
>         vmovq   %rdi, %xmm1
>         vpsllw  %xmm1, %ymm0, %ymm0
>         ret
> (because that is actually what the instruction does), the second one
That is a different instruction. That is the vpsllw not vpsllwi

The intrinsics I changed is the immediate version, I didn't change the non-
immediate version. It is probably a bug if you can give non-immediate values 
to the immediate only intrinsic. At least both versions handles it, if in 
different ways, but is is illegal arguments.


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