
On Mon, 7 Aug 2017, Arjan van de Ven wrote:

> wanting a framepointer is very nice and desired...
> ... but if the optimizer/ins scheduler moves instructions outside of the
> frame'd portion,
> (it does it for cases like below as well), the value is already negative for
> these
> functions that don't have stack use.
> <MPIDU_Sched_are_pending@@Base>:
> mov    all_schedules@@Base-0x38460,%rax
> push   %rbp
> mov    %rsp,%rbp
> pop    %rbp
> cmpq   $0x0,(%rax)
> setne  %al
> movzbl %al,%eax
> retq

Then don't compile with -fno-omit-frame-pointer.  You explicitely 
requested one, so why are you surprised to see one?

> specifically the push/mov/pop back to back makes no sense at all to me.
> if there was meat before the pop, sure.
> but when there isn't......

That can be fixed by making the pop a real scheduling barrier.  If we 
should do that I don't know (I'd lean towards not having to do that for 
loopless code).


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