Back when we first designed this, I asked about including devices.csv in
the gcc sources, and... no.  It's not GPL.  So please make sure to
thoroughly test the "no devices.csv found" case.  It's fine to use it to
override the internal data, but not fine to rely on it.

>       * gcc/config/msp430/msp430.h: Don't pass -mmcu to the assembler.

Does this break compatibility with older versions of binutils?

> +/* This structure is no longer being maintained.  Up-to-date data is read 
> from
> +   a devices.csv file on the user's system.

I think occasional updates to the table are still warranted from a
philosophical and GPL point of view, although I expect the average user
to use the latest devices.csv anyway.  If gcc stops working properly for
lack of a proprietary file, that's a problem.

[rest of review later]

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