On 09/19/2017 03:08 AM, Andreas Schwab wrote:
> On Sep 18 2017, Jeff Law <l...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On 09/18/2017 10:09 AM, Andreas Schwab wrote:
>>> On Sep 18 2017, Jeff Law <l...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> Can you confirm if the probe was in the red zone vs the live areas on
>>>> the stack?
>>> It overwrites a nearby variable.  sp + 8 happens to be the address of
>>> file_entries_new_size.
>>>    0x000140e8 <+1172>:  mov     r6, sp
>>>    0x000140ec <+1176>:  add     r3, r3, #7
>>>    0x000140f0 <+1180>:  bic     r3, r3, #7
>>>    0x000140f4 <+1184>:  cmp     r3, #4096       ; 0x1000
>>>    0x000140f8 <+1188>:  bcc     0x14110 <save_cache+1212>
>>>    0x000140fc <+1192>:  sub     r3, r3, #4096   ; 0x1000
>>>    0x00014100 <+1196>:  sub     sp, sp, #4096   ; 0x1000
>>>    0x00014104 <+1200>:  cmp     r3, #4096       ; 0x1000
>>>    0x00014108 <+1204>:  str     r0, [sp, #8]
>>>    0x0001410c <+1208>:  bcs     0x140fc <save_cache+1192>
>>>    0x00014110 <+1212>:  ldr     r7, [r11, #-56] ; 0xffffffc8
>>>    0x00014114 <+1216>:  sub     sp, sp, r3
>>>    0x00014118 <+1220>:  mov     r1, #0
>>>    0x0001411c <+1224>:  add     r3, sp, #8
>>>    0x00014120 <+1228>:  mov     r0, r3
>>> => 0x00014124 <+1232>:  str     r0, [sp, #8]
>>> Andreas.
>> Or better yet, include your .i and .s files in their entirety and the
>> gcc -v output
> This was generated with a very simple and incomplete backport of
> -fstack-clash-protection to gcc7.  What I get with your full patches
> with gcc8 looks correct.
Ah.  FWIW, it looks almost as if you've got a sign wrong when probing
the residual alloca allocation.  THe "8" is also strange as I'd expect
it to be "4" since words are 4 bytes on ARM.

I know some early bits had hardcoded "8" in some places, but I didn't
think those had ever been posted -- I may have given them to Matz for
him to play with.  Are you using those perhaps?

I expect to have a backport to gcc-7 now that things are unblocking on
the trunk.  You'd be welcome to work from those.  It might save you some


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