On 09/27/2017 11:01 AM, Joseph Myers wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Sep 2017, Florian Weimer wrote:
>> This is part of the ABI GCC implements, so it has to be documented somewhere,
>> and not just as part of the GCC source code.
>> CET is not properly described in the ABI supplement and I don't think this
>> will change, so detailed documentation in the GCC manual is very much
>> desirable.
> Isn't this a matter to take up further in the thread HJ started on the ABI 
> mailing lists, or a new such thread (possibly e.g. sending pull requests 
> that build further on his wording, or propose alternative wording, to 
> clarify them things left unclear there, with a goal of getting it clearly 
> defined in the master sources for x86_64 and x86)?  Clearly the best 
> result would be proper documentation in the ABI and the GCC manual 
> cross-referencing the relevant ABI documents.

The documentation should be AFAICT independent of the compiler in use --
ie, gcc, llvm and icc all should agree on where/when these new
instructions should be inserted.  Which argues that the documentation
belongs in the ABI docs, not the GCC docs.  *users* aren't really going
to care about these kinds of details.

So I think the summary is that I agree with Joseph on this.  Let's push
it into the ABI docs.  HJ can and should play a central role in making
that happen.


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