On 26 February 2018 at 22:52, Jonathan Wakely <jwak...@redhat.com> wrote:
> But those are just stylistic issues, the technical side of the patch
> is fine. I had to look up why we had two overloads for any_cast(any&&)
> and that seems to be a leftover from experimental::any, so thanks for
> cleaning that up too.

It was added by me when we (well, I) decided to support
copyable-but-not-movable types.
See, the current specification doesn't allow getting those types out
of an rvalue any by value.
Such an operation will perform an ill-formed move, with the
two-overload solution it would've
fallen back on copying.
Weird as such types are, I thought it not-too-much-trouble to
SFINAE-hack it to work. The specification
has since been made stricter so that it doesn't leave any
implementation leeway to allow that,
so hence the removal of that lenience.

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