Hi Volker

> On 25 Mar 2018, at 16:18, Volker Reichelt <v.reich...@netcologne.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> when overriding a virtual function fails, the C++ front-end usually
> emits two errors: one for the override that fails and one for the
> function that is overridden. The second error is confusing and
> should be replaced by a note to be in line with other diagnostics.
> The attached patch just does that: It replaces the error/error pattern
> by an error/inform pattern in search.c (check_final_overrider). And it
> replaces the affected dg-error marks in the testsuite by dg-message.

Since you are correctly using DECL_SOURCE_LOCATION, I would recommend removing 
the ‘+’ modifiers, which in that case are redundant anyway and are known be a 
little cryptic and even causing tricky bugs together with warnings.


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