On August 7, 2018 5:38:59 AM GMT+02:00, Martin Sebor <mse...@gmail.com> wrote:
>On 08/06/2018 11:40 AM, Jeff Law wrote:
>> On 08/06/2018 11:15 AM, Martin Sebor wrote:
>>>>> These examples do not aim to be valid C, they just point out
>>>>> of the middle-end design, and a good deal of the problems are due
>>>>> to trying to do things that are not safe within the boundaries
>>>>> by the middle-end design.
>>>> I really think this is important -- and as such I think we need to
>>>> away from trying to describe scenarios in C because doing so keeps
>>>> bringing us back to the "C doesn't allow XYZ" kinds of arguments
>>>> what we're really discussing are GIMPLE semantic issues.
>>>> So examples should be GIMPLE.  You might start with (possibly
>invalid) C
>>>> code to generate the GIMPLE, but the actual discussion needs to be
>>>> looking at GIMPLE.  We might include the C code in case someone
>wants to
>>>> look at things in a debugger, but bringing the focus to GIMPLE is
>>>> important here.
>>> I don't understand the goal of this exercise.  Unless the GIMPLE
>>> code is the result of a valid test case (in some language GCC
>>> supports), what does it matter what it looks like?  The basis of
>>> every single transformation done by a compiler is that the source
>>> code is correct.  If it isn't then all bets are off.  I'm no GIMPLE
>>> expert but even I can come up with any number of GIMPLE expressions
>>> that have undefined behavior.  What would that prove?
>> The GIMPLE IL is less restrictive than the original source language.
>> The process of translation into GIMPLE and optimization can create
>> situations in the GIMPLE IL that can't be validly represented in the
>> original source language.  Subobject crossing being one such case,
>> are certainly others.  We have to handle these scenarios correctly.
>Sure, but a valid C test case still needs to exist to show that
>such a transformation is possible.  Until someone comes up with
>one it's all speculation.

Jakub showed you one wrt CSE of addresses. 


>Under normal circumstances the burden of proof that there is
>a problem is on the reporter.  In this case, the requirement
>has turned into one to prove a negative.  Effectively, you
>are asking for a proof that there is no bug, either in
>the assumptions behind the strlen optimization, or somewhere
>else in GCC that would lead the optimization to invalidate
>a valid piece of code.  That's impossible.

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