On 08/15/2018 06:07 AM, Joseph Myers wrote:
On Tue, 14 Aug 2018, Martin Sebor wrote:

This is with Bison 3.0.4, should the version used to produce intl/plural.c
prove relevant.

Can you send me the translation unit and the options it was compiled
with that triggered the errors?

I've attached plural.i.  The error is a static link error linking sln, but
maybe comparing results of compiling plural.i before and after the changes
may be enlightening (unless it's actually a difference in code elsewhere
in glibc causing a link error reported in plural.o).

Compiled with:

-c -std=gnu11 -fgnu89-inline  -O2 -Wall -Werror -Wundef -Wwrite-strings
-fmerge-all-constants -fno-stack-protector -frounding-math -g
-Wstrict-prototypes -Wold-style-definition -fno-math-errno
-mlong-double-128 -mieee -mfp-rounding-mode=d     -ftls-model=initial-exec
-I../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/alpha/fpu  -I../sysdeps/alpha/fpu
-I../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/alpha  -I../sysdeps/alpha/nptl
-I../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/wordsize-64  -I../sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-64-128
-I../sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-opt  -I../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/include
-I../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux  -I../sysdeps/nptl  -I../sysdeps/pthread
-I../sysdeps/gnu  -I../sysdeps/unix/inet  -I../sysdeps/unix/sysv
-I../sysdeps/unix/alpha  -I../sysdeps/unix  -I../sysdeps/posix
-I../sysdeps/alpha  -I../sysdeps/wordsize-64
-I../sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-128  -I../sysdeps/ieee754/dbl-64/wordsize-64
-I../sysdeps/ieee754/dbl-64  -I../sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32
-I../sysdeps/ieee754  -I../sysdeps/generic  -I.. -I../libio -I.
-DMODULE_NAME=libc -include ../include/libc-symbols.h
-DTOP_NAMESPACE=glibc -D'LOCALEDIR="/usr/share/locale"'
-D'LOCALE_ALIAS_PATH="/usr/share/locale"' -o

Thanks.  I don't see anything obviously wrong but I don't know
much about Alpha assembly.  Attached are the two .s files, with
(plural-new.s) and without (plural-old.s) the array-to-string

There are also only a handful of transformed arrays in the file
and they all look reasonable to me (see the attachment named
plural-array-to-string.txt).  The only arrays in the .sdata
section are yydefgoto and yypgoto, both before and after.
They are each just 3 bytes in size.

There is one unusual difference in the loads of one of them in
the assembly emitted by GCC for __gettextparse.


        ldah $22,yypgoto($29)                           !gprelhigh
        lda $2,yypgoto($22)                             !gprellow


        ldah $2,yypgoto+2305843009213693936($29)        !gprelhigh
        lda $2,yypgoto+2305843009213693936($2)          !gprellow

I don't know if it's significant -- the lda instruction uses
just the least significant 16 bits of the constant displacement,
shifted left by 16.  I don't see any obviously bogus constants
in the disassembly produced by objdump.

I'll need some help from someone who knows more about Alpha
to understand what's going on.

plural-old.o:     file format elf64-alpha

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <__gettext_free_exp>:
   0:   00 00 bb 27     ldah    gp,0(t12)
   4:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
   8:   f0 ff de 23     lda     sp,-16(sp)
   c:   08 00 3e b5     stq     s0,8(sp)
  10:   09 04 f0 47     mov     a0,s0
  14:   00 00 5e b7     stq     ra,0(sp)
  18:   11 00 00 e6     beq     a0,60 <__gettext_free_exp+0x60>
  1c:   00 00 30 a0     ldl     t0,0(a0)
  20:   a2 5d 20 40     cmple   t0,0x2,t1
  24:   12 00 40 e4     beq     t1,70 <__gettext_free_exp+0x70>
  28:   a2 55 20 40     cmpeq   t0,0x2,t1
  2c:   17 00 40 f4     bne     t1,8c <__gettext_free_exp+0x8c>
  30:   a1 35 20 40     cmpeq   t0,0x1,t0
  34:   05 00 20 e4     beq     t0,4c <__gettext_free_exp+0x4c>
  38:   08 00 09 a6     ldq     a0,8(s0)
  3c:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
  40:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),44 <__gettext_free_exp+0x44>
  44:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
  48:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
  4c:   10 04 e9 47     mov     s0,a0
  50:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
  54:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),58 <__gettext_free_exp+0x58>
  58:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
  5c:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
  60:   00 00 5e a7     ldq     ra,0(sp)
  64:   08 00 3e a5     ldq     s0,8(sp)
  68:   10 00 de 23     lda     sp,16(sp)
  6c:   01 80 fa 6b     ret
  70:   a1 75 20 40     cmpeq   t0,0x3,t0
  74:   f5 ff 3f e4     beq     t0,4c <__gettext_free_exp+0x4c>
  78:   18 00 10 a6     ldq     a0,24(a0)
  7c:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
  80:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),84 <__gettext_free_exp+0x84>
  84:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
  88:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
  8c:   10 00 09 a6     ldq     a0,16(s0)
  90:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
  94:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),98 <__gettext_free_exp+0x98>
  98:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
  9c:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
  a0:   e5 ff ff c3     br      38 <__gettext_free_exp+0x38>
  a4:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
  a8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
  ac:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    

00000000000000b0 <new_exp>:
  b0:   00 00 bb 27     ldah    gp,0(t12)
  b4:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
  b8:   d0 ff de 23     lda     sp,-48(sp)
  bc:   08 00 3e b5     stq     s0,8(sp)
  c0:   29 31 00 42     subl    a0,0x1,s0
  c4:   10 00 5e b5     stq     s1,16(sp)
  c8:   01 00 29 20     lda     t0,1(s0)
  cc:   18 00 7e b5     stq     s2,24(sp)
  d0:   0a 04 f2 47     mov     a2,s1
  d4:   20 00 9e b5     stq     s3,32(sp)
  d8:   0b 04 f0 47     mov     a0,s2
  dc:   00 00 5e b7     stq     ra,0(sp)
  e0:   0c 04 f1 47     mov     a1,s3
  e4:   35 00 20 e4     beq     t0,1bc <new_exp+0x10c>
  e8:   01 04 e9 47     mov     s0,t0
  ec:   01 00 e0 c3     br      f4 <new_exp+0x44>
  f0:   1b 00 40 e4     beq     t1,160 <new_exp+0xb0>
  f4:   43 06 2a 40     s8addq  t0,s1,t2
  f8:   ff ff 21 20     lda     t0,-1(t0)
  fc:   02 00 e1 43     sextl   t0,t1
 100:   00 00 63 a4     ldq     t2,0(t2)
 104:   01 00 42 20     lda     t1,1(t1)
 108:   f9 ff 7f f4     bne     t2,f0 <new_exp+0x40>
 10c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 110:   41 06 2a 41     s8addq  s0,s1,t0
 114:   ff ff 29 21     lda     s0,-1(s0)
 118:   00 00 01 a6     ldq     a0,0(t0)
 11c:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 120:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),124 <new_exp+0x74>
 124:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 128:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 12c:   01 00 e9 43     sextl   s0,t0
 130:   01 00 21 20     lda     t0,1(t0)
 134:   f6 ff 3f f4     bne     t0,110 <new_exp+0x60>
 138:   00 00 5e a7     ldq     ra,0(sp)
 13c:   08 00 3e a5     ldq     s0,8(sp)
 140:   10 00 5e a5     ldq     s1,16(sp)
 144:   18 00 7e a5     ldq     s2,24(sp)
 148:   00 04 ff 47     clr     v0
 14c:   20 00 9e a5     ldq     s3,32(sp)
 150:   30 00 de 23     lda     sp,48(sp)
 154:   01 80 fa 6b     ret
 158:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 15c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 160:   20 00 1f 22     lda     a0,32
 164:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 168:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),16c <new_exp+0xbc>
 16c:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 170:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 174:   e6 ff 1f e4     beq     v0,110 <new_exp+0x60>
 178:   00 00 60 b1     stl     s2,0(v0)
 17c:   04 00 80 b1     stl     s3,4(v0)
 180:   41 06 2a 41     s8addq  s0,s1,t0
 184:   42 06 20 41     s8addq  s0,v0,t1
 188:   ff ff 29 21     lda     s0,-1(s0)
 18c:   00 00 61 a4     ldq     t2,0(t0)
 190:   01 00 e9 43     sextl   s0,t0
 194:   01 00 21 20     lda     t0,1(t0)
 198:   08 00 62 b4     stq     t2,8(t1)
 19c:   f8 ff 3f f4     bne     t0,180 <new_exp+0xd0>
 1a0:   00 00 5e a7     ldq     ra,0(sp)
 1a4:   08 00 3e a5     ldq     s0,8(sp)
 1a8:   10 00 5e a5     ldq     s1,16(sp)
 1ac:   18 00 7e a5     ldq     s2,24(sp)
 1b0:   20 00 9e a5     ldq     s3,32(sp)
 1b4:   30 00 de 23     lda     sp,48(sp)
 1b8:   01 80 fa 6b     ret
 1bc:   20 00 1f 22     lda     a0,32
 1c0:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 1c4:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),1c8 <new_exp+0x118>
 1c8:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 1cc:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 1d0:   d9 ff 1f e4     beq     v0,138 <new_exp+0x88>
 1d4:   04 00 80 b1     stl     s3,4(v0)
 1d8:   00 00 5e a7     ldq     ra,0(sp)
 1dc:   08 00 3e a5     ldq     s0,8(sp)
 1e0:   10 00 5e a5     ldq     s1,16(sp)
 1e4:   18 00 7e a5     ldq     s2,24(sp)
 1e8:   20 00 9e a5     ldq     s3,32(sp)
 1ec:   00 00 e0 b3     stl     zero,0(v0)
 1f0:   30 00 de 23     lda     sp,48(sp)
 1f4:   01 80 fa 6b     ret
 1f8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 1fc:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    

0000000000000200 <__gettextparse>:
 200:   00 00 bb 27     ldah    gp,0(t12)
 204:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 208:   90 f7 de 23     lda     sp,-2160(sp)
 20c:   00 00 9d 24     ldah    t3,0(gp)
 210:   80 06 3e a0     ldl     t0,1664(sp)
 214:   08 00 3e b5     stq     s0,8(sp)
 218:   80 06 3e 21     lda     s0,1664(sp)
 21c:   10 00 5e b5     stq     s1,16(sp)
 220:   40 00 5e 21     lda     s1,64(sp)
 224:   21 96 3f 48     zapnot  t0,0xfc,t0
 228:   20 00 9e b5     stq     s3,32(sp)
 22c:   00 00 9d 25     ldah    s3,0(gp)
 230:   18 00 7e b5     stq     s2,24(sp)
 234:   28 00 be b5     stq     s4,40(sp)
 238:   fe ff bf 20     lda     t4,-2
 23c:   38 00 fe b5     stq     fp,56(sp)
 240:   c8 00 7f 21     lda     s2,200
 244:   80 06 3e b0     stl     t0,1664(sp)
 248:   0f 04 ea 47     mov     s1,fp
 24c:   01 04 ff 47     clr     t0
 250:   00 00 5e b7     stq     ra,0(sp)
 254:   0d 04 e9 47     mov     s0,s4
 258:   30 00 de b5     stq     s5,48(sp)
 25c:   00 00 84 20     lda     t3,0(t3)
 260:   40 08 1e b6     stq     a0,2112(sp)
 264:   00 00 8c 21     lda     s3,0(s3)
 268:   38 08 fe b7     stq     zero,2104(sp)
 26c:   30 08 3e b5     stq     s0,2096(sp)
 270:   02 04 81 40     addq    t3,t0,t1
 274:   01 00 c2 20     lda     t5,1(t1)
 278:   00 00 e2 2c     ldq_u   t6,0(t1)
 27c:   47 0f e6 48     extqh   t6,t5,t6
 280:   87 17 e7 48     sra     t6,0x38,t6
 284:   0a 00 47 20     lda     t1,10(t6)
 288:   1d 00 40 e4     beq     t1,300 <__gettextparse+0x100>
 28c:   02 00 45 20     lda     t1,2(t4)
 290:   17 01 40 e4     beq     t1,6f0 <__gettextparse+0x4f0>
 294:   86 00 a0 ec     ble     t4,4b0 <__gettextparse+0x2b0>
 298:   00 00 5d 24     ldah    t1,0(gp)
 29c:   00 00 42 20     lda     t1,0(t1)
 2a0:   02 04 a2 40     addq    t4,t1,t1
 2a4:   00 00 02 2d     ldq_u   t7,0(t1)
 2a8:   c8 00 02 49     extbl   t7,t1,t7
 2ac:   07 00 e8 40     addl    t6,t7,t6
 2b0:   26 f6 e1 48     zapnot  t6,0xf,t5
 2b4:   a6 d7 c6 40     cmpule  t5,0x36,t5
 2b8:   11 00 c0 e4     beq     t5,300 <__gettextparse+0x100>
 2bc:   06 04 ec 40     addq    t6,s3,t5
 2c0:   01 00 c6 22     lda     t8,1(t5)
 2c4:   00 00 46 2c     ldq_u   t1,0(t5)
 2c8:   42 0f 56 48     extqh   t1,t8,t1
 2cc:   82 17 47 48     sra     t1,0x38,t1
 2d0:   a2 05 48 40     cmpeq   t1,t7,t1
 2d4:   0a 00 40 e4     beq     t1,300 <__gettextparse+0x100>
 2d8:   00 00 3d 24     ldah    t0,0(gp)
 2dc:   00 00 21 20     lda     t0,0(t0)
 2e0:   07 04 e1 40     addq    t6,t0,t6
 2e4:   00 00 27 2c     ldq_u   t0,0(t6)
 2e8:   c1 00 27 48     extbl   t0,t6,t0
 2ec:   20 01 20 f4     bne     t0,770 <__gettextparse+0x570>
 2f0:   08 04 ea 47     mov     s1,t7
 2f4:   08 00 0a a4     ldq     v0,8(s1)
 2f8:   f0 ff ff 20     lda     t6,-16
 2fc:   8d 00 e0 c3     br      534 <__gettextparse+0x334>
 300:   00 00 5d 24     ldah    t1,0(gp)
 304:   00 00 42 20     lda     t1,0(t1)
 308:   02 04 22 40     addq    t0,t1,t1
 30c:   00 00 c2 2c     ldq_u   t5,0(t1)
 310:   c2 00 c2 48     extbl   t5,t1,t1
 314:   08 00 e2 43     sextl   t1,t7
 318:   45 00 40 f4     bne     t1,430 <__gettextparse+0x230>
 31c:   38 08 5e a4     ldq     t1,2104(sp)
 320:   ae 75 40 40     cmpeq   t1,0x3,s5
 324:   16 00 c0 e5     beq     s5,380 <__gettextparse+0x180>
 328:   1d 01 a0 fc     bgt     t4,7a0 <__gettextparse+0x5a0>
 32c:   14 00 a0 f4     bne     t4,380 <__gettextparse+0x180>
 330:   09 04 ed 47     mov     s4,s0
 334:   01 00 5f 21     lda     s1,1
 338:   27 00 e0 c3     br      3d8 <__gettextparse+0x1d8>
 33c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 340:   00 00 5d 24     ldah    t1,0(gp)
 344:   00 00 42 20     lda     t1,0(t1)
 348:   01 04 22 40     addq    t0,t1,t0
 34c:   00 00 41 2c     ldq_u   t1,0(t0)
 350:   c1 00 41 48     extbl   t1,t0,t0
 354:   9d 01 20 f4     bne     t0,9cc <__gettextparse+0x7cc>
 358:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 35c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 360:   a1 05 2d 41     cmpeq   s0,s4,t0
 364:   1b 00 20 f4     bne     t0,3d4 <__gettextparse+0x1d4>
 368:   fe ff 29 21     lda     s0,-2(s0)
 36c:   02 00 49 20     lda     t1,2(s0)
 370:   f8 ff 4a 21     lda     s1,-8(s1)
 374:   00 00 29 2c     ldq_u   t0,0(s0)
 378:   41 0f 22 48     extqh   t0,t1,t0
 37c:   81 17 26 48     sra     t0,0x30,t0
 380:   01 04 81 40     addq    t3,t0,t0
 384:   01 00 41 20     lda     t1,1(t0)
 388:   00 00 21 2c     ldq_u   t0,0(t0)
 38c:   41 0f 22 48     extqh   t0,t1,t0
 390:   81 17 27 48     sra     t0,0x38,t0
 394:   0a 00 41 20     lda     t1,10(t0)
 398:   f1 ff 5f e4     beq     t1,360 <__gettextparse+0x160>
 39c:   01 30 20 40     addl    t0,0x1,t0
 3a0:   22 f6 21 48     zapnot  t0,0xf,t1
 3a4:   01 00 e1 43     sextl   t0,t0
 3a8:   a2 d7 46 40     cmpule  t1,0x36,t1
 3ac:   ec ff 5f e4     beq     t1,360 <__gettextparse+0x160>
 3b0:   06 04 2c 40     addq    t0,s3,t5
 3b4:   01 00 e6 20     lda     t6,1(t5)
 3b8:   00 00 46 2c     ldq_u   t1,0(t5)
 3bc:   42 0f 47 48     extqh   t1,t6,t1
 3c0:   82 17 47 48     sra     t1,0x38,t1
 3c4:   a2 35 40 40     cmpeq   t1,0x1,t1
 3c8:   dd ff 5f f4     bne     t1,340 <__gettextparse+0x140>
 3cc:   a1 05 2d 41     cmpeq   s0,s4,t0
 3d0:   e5 ff 3f e4     beq     t0,368 <__gettextparse+0x168>
 3d4:   01 00 5f 21     lda     s1,1
 3d8:   30 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2096(sp)
 3dc:   a1 05 23 41     cmpeq   s0,t2,t0
 3e0:   05 00 20 f4     bne     t0,3f8 <__gettextparse+0x1f8>
 3e4:   10 04 e9 47     mov     s0,a0
 3e8:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 3ec:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),3f0 <__gettextparse+0x1f0>
 3f0:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 3f4:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 3f8:   00 04 ea 47     mov     s1,v0
 3fc:   00 00 5e a7     ldq     ra,0(sp)
 400:   08 00 3e a5     ldq     s0,8(sp)
 404:   10 00 5e a5     ldq     s1,16(sp)
 408:   18 00 7e a5     ldq     s2,24(sp)
 40c:   20 00 9e a5     ldq     s3,32(sp)
 410:   28 00 be a5     ldq     s4,40(sp)
 414:   30 00 de a5     ldq     s5,48(sp)
 418:   38 00 fe a5     ldq     fp,56(sp)
 41c:   70 08 de 23     lda     sp,2160(sp)
 420:   01 80 fa 6b     ret
 424:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 428:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 42c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 430:   00 00 3d 24     ldah    t0,0(gp)
 434:   00 00 21 20     lda     t0,0(t0)
 438:   01 04 01 41     addq    t7,t0,t0
 43c:   a7 b7 41 40     cmpule  t1,0xd,t6
 440:   00 00 c1 2c     ldq_u   t5,0(t0)
 444:   c1 00 c1 48     extbl   t5,t0,t0
 448:   01 00 df 20     lda     t5,1
 44c:   26 01 c1 40     subl    t5,t0,t5
 450:   46 06 ca 40     s8addq  t5,s1,t5
 454:   00 00 06 a4     ldq     v0,0(t5)
 458:   19 00 e0 f4     bne     t6,4c0 <__gettextparse+0x2c0>
 45c:   00 00 5d 24     ldah    t1,0(gp)
 460:   00 00 42 20     lda     t1,0(t1)
 464:   02 04 02 41     addq    t7,t1,t1
 468:   00 00 dd 26     ldah    t8,0(gp)
 46c:   48 16 20 40     s8addq  t0,0,t7
 470:   00 00 e2 2c     ldq_u   t6,0(t1)
 474:   01 04 21 40     addq    t0,t0,t0
 478:   29 05 21 41     subq    s0,t0,s0
 47c:   c2 00 e2 48     extbl   t6,t1,t1
 480:   28 05 48 41     subq    s1,t7,t7
 484:   27 11 42 40     subl    t1,0x10,t6
 488:   00 00 56 20     lda     t1,0(t8)
 48c:   02 04 e2 40     addq    t6,t1,t1
 490:   01 00 c2 20     lda     t5,1(t1)
 494:   00 00 22 2c     ldq_u   t0,0(t1)
 498:   41 0f 26 48     extqh   t0,t5,t0
 49c:   81 17 27 48     sra     t0,0x38,t0
 4a0:   24 00 e0 c3     br      534 <__gettextparse+0x334>
 4a4:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 4a8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 4ac:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 4b0:   08 04 ff 47     clr     t7
 4b4:   05 04 ff 47     clr     t4
 4b8:   7d ff ff c3     br      2b0 <__gettextparse+0xb0>
 4bc:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 4c0:   00 00 dd 24     ldah    t5,0(gp)
 4c4:   00 00 c6 20     lda     t5,0(t5)
 4c8:   42 04 46 40     s4addq  t1,t5,t1
 4cc:   00 00 42 a0     ldl     t1,0(t1)
 4d0:   02 04 a2 43     addq    gp,t1,t1
 4d4:   00 00 e2 6b     jmp     (t1)
 4d8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 4dc:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 4e0:   10 08 5e 22     lda     a2,2064(sp)
 4e4:   f8 ff 2a a2     ldl     a1,-8(s1)
 4e8:   00 00 4a a4     ldq     t1,0(s1)
 4ec:   f0 ff 2a a4     ldq     t0,-16(s1)
 4f0:   10 08 3e b4     stq     t0,2064(sp)
 4f4:   02 00 1f 22     lda     a0,2
 4f8:   ff ff 3f 20     lda     t0,-1
 4fc:   68 08 9e b4     stq     t3,2152(sp)
 500:   58 08 3e b4     stq     t0,2136(sp)
 504:   fa ff 29 21     lda     s0,-6(s0)
 508:   60 08 be b4     stq     t4,2144(sp)
 50c:   18 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2072(sp)
 510:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 514:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),518 <__gettextparse+0x318>
 518:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 51c:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 520:   e8 ff 0a 21     lda     t7,-24(s1)
 524:   58 08 3e a4     ldq     t0,2136(sp)
 528:   02 00 ff 20     lda     t6,2
 52c:   68 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2152(sp)
 530:   60 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2144(sp)
 534:   08 00 08 b4     stq     v0,8(t7)
 538:   02 00 49 20     lda     t1,2(s0)
 53c:   08 00 48 21     lda     s1,8(t7)
 540:   00 00 c9 2c     ldq_u   t5,0(s0)
 544:   46 0f c2 48     extqh   t5,t1,t5
 548:   86 17 c6 48     sra     t5,0x30,t5
 54c:   01 00 c1 40     addl    t5,t0,t0
 550:   28 f6 21 48     zapnot  t0,0xf,t7
 554:   01 00 e1 43     sextl   t0,t0
 558:   a8 d7 06 41     cmpule  t7,0x36,t7
 55c:   07 00 00 e5     beq     t7,57c <__gettextparse+0x37c>
 560:   16 04 2c 40     addq    t0,s3,t8
 564:   01 00 f6 22     lda     t9,1(t8)
 568:   00 00 16 2d     ldq_u   t7,0(t8)
 56c:   48 0f 17 49     extqh   t7,t9,t7
 570:   88 17 07 49     sra     t7,0x38,t7
 574:   a6 05 06 41     cmpeq   t7,t5,t5
 578:   8d 00 c0 f4     bne     t5,7b0 <__gettextparse+0x5b0>
 57c:   00 00 dd 24     ldah    t5,0(gp)
 580:   00 00 c6 20     lda     t5,0(t5)
 584:   06 04 e6 40     addq    t6,t5,t5
 588:   01 00 e6 20     lda     t6,1(t5)
 58c:   00 00 26 2c     ldq_u   t0,0(t5)
 590:   41 0f 27 48     extqh   t0,t6,t0
 594:   81 17 27 48     sra     t0,0x38,t0
 598:   16 04 6b 41     addq    s2,s2,t8
 59c:   02 00 09 2d     ldq_u   t7,2(s0)
 5a0:   67 03 22 48     inswl   t0,t1,t6
 5a4:   fe ff d6 20     lda     t5,-2(t8)
 5a8:   48 02 02 49     mskwl   t7,t1,t7
 5ac:   06 04 a6 41     addq    s4,t5,t5
 5b0:   07 04 e8 44     or      t6,t7,t6
 5b4:   02 00 e9 3c     stq_u   t6,2(s0)
 5b8:   a6 03 46 40     cmpult  t1,t5,t5
 5bc:   09 04 e2 47     mov     t1,s0
 5c0:   44 00 c0 f4     bne     t5,6d4 <__gettextparse+0x4d4>
 5c4:   2a 05 4d 40     subq    t1,s4,s1
 5c8:   8a 37 40 49     sra     s1,0x1,s1
 5cc:   0f 27 df 20     lda     t5,9999
 5d0:   ab 07 66 41     cmpule  s2,t5,s2
 5d4:   01 00 4a 21     lda     s1,1(s1)
 5d8:   b2 01 60 e5     beq     s2,ca4 <__gettextparse+0xaa4>
 5dc:   10 27 5f 20     lda     t1,10000
 5e0:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 5e4:   ab 03 c2 42     cmpult  t8,t1,s2
 5e8:   58 08 3e b4     stq     t0,2136(sp)
 5ec:   68 08 9e b4     stq     t3,2152(sp)
 5f0:   c2 04 76 45     cmovne  s2,t8,t1
 5f4:   60 08 be b4     stq     t4,2144(sp)
 5f8:   50 04 42 40     s4addq  t1,t1,a0
 5fc:   10 04 10 42     addq    a0,a0,a0
 600:   07 00 10 22     lda     a0,7(a0)
 604:   0b 04 e2 47     mov     t1,s2
 608:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),60c <__gettextparse+0x40c>
 60c:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 610:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 614:   0e 04 e0 47     mov     v0,s5
 618:   a2 01 00 e4     beq     v0,ca4 <__gettextparse+0xaa4>
 61c:   09 04 4a 41     addq    s1,s1,s0
 620:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 624:   12 04 e9 47     mov     s0,a2
 628:   11 04 ed 47     mov     s4,a1
 62c:   10 04 e0 47     mov     v0,a0
 630:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),634 <__gettextparse+0x434>
 634:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 638:   4a 16 40 41     s8addq  s1,0,s1
 63c:   06 04 6b 41     addq    s2,s2,t5
 640:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 644:   06 04 c6 41     addq    s5,t5,t5
 648:   11 04 ef 47     mov     fp,a1
 64c:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 650:   10 04 e6 47     mov     t5,a0
 654:   12 04 ea 47     mov     s1,a2
 658:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),65c <__gettextparse+0x45c>
 65c:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 660:   0f 04 6b 41     addq    s2,s2,fp
 664:   30 08 5e a4     ldq     t1,2096(sp)
 668:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 66c:   58 08 3e a4     ldq     t0,2136(sp)
 670:   06 04 e0 47     mov     v0,t5
 674:   68 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2152(sp)
 678:   a7 05 a2 41     cmpeq   s4,t1,t6
 67c:   60 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2144(sp)
 680:   0a 00 e0 f4     bne     t6,6ac <__gettextparse+0x4ac>
 684:   10 04 ed 47     mov     s4,a0
 688:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 68c:   50 08 1e b4     stq     v0,2128(sp)
 690:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),694 <__gettextparse+0x494>
 694:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 698:   50 08 de a4     ldq     t5,2128(sp)
 69c:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 6a0:   60 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2144(sp)
 6a4:   68 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2152(sp)
 6a8:   58 08 3e a4     ldq     t0,2136(sp)
 6ac:   fe ff 29 21     lda     s0,-2(s0)
 6b0:   fe ff ef 21     lda     fp,-2(fp)
 6b4:   09 04 c9 41     addq    s5,s0,s0
 6b8:   0f 04 cf 41     addq    s5,fp,fp
 6bc:   f8 ff 4a 21     lda     s1,-8(s1)
 6c0:   af 03 2f 41     cmpult  s0,fp,fp
 6c4:   0a 04 ca 40     addq    t5,s1,s1
 6c8:   79 01 e0 e5     beq     fp,cb0 <__gettextparse+0xab0>
 6cc:   0f 04 e6 47     mov     t5,fp
 6d0:   0d 04 ee 47     mov     s5,s4
 6d4:   a2 35 21 40     cmpeq   t0,0x9,t1
 6d8:   e5 fe 5f e4     beq     t1,270 <__gettextparse+0x70>
 6dc:   09 04 ed 47     mov     s4,s0
 6e0:   0a 04 ff 47     clr     s1
 6e4:   3c ff ff c3     br      3d8 <__gettextparse+0x1d8>
 6e8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 6ec:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 6f0:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 6f4:   00 00 c3 a6     ldq     t8,0(t2)
 6f8:   01 00 16 21     lda     t7,1(t8)
 6fc:   00 00 56 2c     ldq_u   t1,0(t8)
 700:   42 0f 48 48     extqh   t1,t7,t1
 704:   82 17 47 48     sra     t1,0x38,t1
 708:   08 00 40 f4     bne     t1,72c <__gettextparse+0x52c>
 70c:   2e 00 e0 c3     br      7c8 <__gettextparse+0x5c8>
 710:   02 00 b6 20     lda     t4,2(t8)
 714:   00 00 48 2c     ldq_u   t1,0(t7)
 718:   16 04 e8 47     mov     t7,t8
 71c:   42 0f 45 48     extqh   t1,t4,t1
 720:   82 17 47 48     sra     t1,0x38,t1
 724:   2a 00 40 e4     beq     t1,7d0 <__gettextparse+0x5d0>
 728:   01 00 08 21     lda     t7,1(t7)
 72c:   a6 15 44 40     cmpeq   t1,0x20,t5
 730:   a5 35 41 40     cmpeq   t1,0x9,t4
 734:   a6 15 c0 40     cmpeq   t5,0,t5
 738:   a5 15 a0 40     cmpeq   t4,0,t4
 73c:   17 04 e8 47     mov     t7,t9
 740:   05 00 c5 44     and     t5,t4,t4
 744:   f2 ff bf e4     beq     t4,710 <__gettextparse+0x510>
 748:   06 f0 5f 44     and     t1,0xff,t5
 74c:   a6 97 cf 40     cmpule  t5,0x7c,t5
 750:   05 00 e2 43     sextl   t1,t4
 754:   97 00 c0 f4     bne     t5,9b4 <__gettextparse+0x7b4>
 758:   40 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2112(sp)
 75c:   00 00 05 b5     stq     t7,0(t4)
 760:   01 00 1f 21     lda     t7,1
 764:   00 01 bf 20     lda     t4,256
 768:   d0 fe ff c3     br      2ac <__gettextparse+0xac>
 76c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 770:   38 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2104(sp)
 774:   08 00 4a 21     lda     s1,8(s1)
 778:   48 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2120(sp)
 77c:   22 31 60 40     subl    t2,0x1,t1
 780:   00 00 aa b4     stq     t4,0(s1)
 784:   c3 04 62 44     cmovne  t2,t1,t2
 788:   fe ff bf 20     lda     t4,-2
 78c:   38 08 7e b4     stq     t2,2104(sp)
 790:   02 00 49 20     lda     t1,2(s0)
 794:   80 ff ff c3     br      598 <__gettextparse+0x398>
 798:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 79c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 7a0:   fe ff bf 20     lda     t4,-2
 7a4:   f6 fe ff c3     br      380 <__gettextparse+0x180>
 7a8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 7ac:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 7b0:   00 00 7d 24     ldah    t2,0(gp)
 7b4:   00 00 63 20     lda     t2,0(t2)
 7b8:   01 04 23 40     addq    t0,t2,t0
 7bc:   00 00 c1 2c     ldq_u   t5,0(t0)
 7c0:   c1 00 c1 48     extbl   t5,t0,t0
 7c4:   74 ff ff c3     br      598 <__gettextparse+0x398>
 7c8:   17 04 f6 47     mov     t8,t9
 7cc:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 7d0:   08 04 ff 47     clr     t7
 7d4:   40 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2112(sp)
 7d8:   00 00 e5 b6     stq     t9,0(t4)
 7dc:   05 04 ff 47     clr     t4
 7e0:   b3 fe ff c3     br      2b0 <__gettextparse+0xb0>
 7e4:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 7e8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 7ec:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 7f0:   10 08 5e 22     lda     a2,2064(sp)
 7f4:   00 00 2a a4     ldq     t0,0(s1)
 7f8:   02 00 3f 22     lda     a1,2
 7fc:   68 08 9e b4     stq     t3,2152(sp)
 800:   01 00 1f 22     lda     a0,1
 804:   60 08 be b4     stq     t4,2144(sp)
 808:   10 08 3e b4     stq     t0,2064(sp)
 80c:   ff ff 3f 20     lda     t0,-1
 810:   58 08 3e b4     stq     t0,2136(sp)
 814:   fc ff 29 21     lda     s0,-4(s0)
 818:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 81c:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),820 <__gettextparse+0x620>
 820:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 824:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 828:   f0 ff 0a 21     lda     t7,-16(s1)
 82c:   58 08 3e a4     ldq     t0,2136(sp)
 830:   02 00 ff 20     lda     t6,2
 834:   68 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2152(sp)
 838:   60 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2144(sp)
 83c:   3d ff ff c3     br      534 <__gettextparse+0x334>
 840:   12 04 ff 47     clr     a2
 844:   68 08 9e b4     stq     t3,2152(sp)
 848:   11 04 ff 47     clr     a1
 84c:   60 08 be b4     stq     t4,2144(sp)
 850:   10 04 ff 47     clr     a0
 854:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 858:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),85c <__gettextparse+0x65c>
 85c:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 860:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 864:   fe ff 29 21     lda     s0,-2(s0)
 868:   f8 ff 0a 21     lda     t7,-8(s1)
 86c:   68 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2152(sp)
 870:   ff ff 3f 20     lda     t0,-1
 874:   60 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2144(sp)
 878:   02 00 ff 20     lda     t6,2
 87c:   2d ff ff c3     br      534 <__gettextparse+0x334>
 880:   12 04 ff 47     clr     a2
 884:   68 08 9e b4     stq     t3,2152(sp)
 888:   01 00 3f 22     lda     a1,1
 88c:   60 08 be b4     stq     t4,2144(sp)
 890:   10 04 ff 47     clr     a0
 894:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 898:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),89c <__gettextparse+0x69c>
 89c:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 8a0:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 8a4:   fe ff 29 21     lda     s0,-2(s0)
 8a8:   f8 ff 0a 21     lda     t7,-8(s1)
 8ac:   68 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2152(sp)
 8b0:   ff ff 3f 20     lda     t0,-1
 8b4:   60 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2144(sp)
 8b8:   02 00 ff 20     lda     t6,2
 8bc:   1d ff 1f e4     beq     v0,534 <__gettextparse+0x334>
 8c0:   00 00 4a a4     ldq     t1,0(s1)
 8c4:   08 00 40 b4     stq     t1,8(v0)
 8c8:   1a ff ff c3     br      534 <__gettextparse+0x334>
 8cc:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 8d0:   e8 ff 0a 21     lda     t7,-24(s1)
 8d4:   f8 ff 0a a4     ldq     v0,-8(s1)
 8d8:   fa ff 29 21     lda     s0,-6(s0)
 8dc:   ff ff 3f 20     lda     t0,-1
 8e0:   02 00 ff 20     lda     t6,2
 8e4:   13 ff ff c3     br      534 <__gettextparse+0x334>
 8e8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 8ec:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 8f0:   10 08 5e 22     lda     a2,2064(sp)
 8f4:   00 00 4a a4     ldq     t1,0(s1)
 8f8:   0e 00 3f 22     lda     a1,14
 8fc:   f0 ff 2a a4     ldq     t0,-16(s1)
 900:   fb fe ff c3     br      4f0 <__gettextparse+0x2f0>
 904:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 908:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 90c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 910:   10 08 5e 22     lda     a2,2064(sp)
 914:   00 00 4a a4     ldq     t1,0(s1)
 918:   0f 00 3f 22     lda     a1,15
 91c:   f0 ff 2a a4     ldq     t0,-16(s1)
 920:   f3 fe ff c3     br      4f0 <__gettextparse+0x2f0>
 924:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 928:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 92c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 930:   e0 ff 2a a4     ldq     t0,-32(s1)
 934:   f0 ff ca a4     ldq     t5,-16(s1)
 938:   10 08 5e 22     lda     a2,2064(sp)
 93c:   00 00 4a a4     ldq     t1,0(s1)
 940:   10 08 3e b4     stq     t0,2064(sp)
 944:   10 00 3f 22     lda     a1,16
 948:   ff ff 3f 20     lda     t0,-1
 94c:   68 08 9e b4     stq     t3,2152(sp)
 950:   03 00 1f 22     lda     a0,3
 954:   58 08 3e b4     stq     t0,2136(sp)
 958:   60 08 be b4     stq     t4,2144(sp)
 95c:   f6 ff 29 21     lda     s0,-10(s0)
 960:   18 08 de b4     stq     t5,2072(sp)
 964:   20 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2080(sp)
 968:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 96c:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),970 <__gettextparse+0x770>
 970:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 974:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 978:   d8 ff 0a 21     lda     t7,-40(s1)
 97c:   58 08 3e a4     ldq     t0,2136(sp)
 980:   02 00 ff 20     lda     t6,2
 984:   68 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2152(sp)
 988:   60 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2144(sp)
 98c:   e9 fe ff c3     br      534 <__gettextparse+0x334>
 990:   00 00 2a a4     ldq     t0,0(s1)
 994:   66 fe 3f e4     beq     t0,330 <__gettextparse+0x130>
 998:   f8 ff 0a 21     lda     t7,-8(s1)
 99c:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 9a0:   fe ff 29 21     lda     s0,-2(s0)
 9a4:   01 00 ff 20     lda     t6,1
 9a8:   08 00 23 b4     stq     t0,8(t2)
 9ac:   f6 ff 3f 20     lda     t0,-10
 9b0:   e0 fe ff c3     br      534 <__gettextparse+0x334>
 9b4:   00 00 dd 24     ldah    t5,0(gp)
 9b8:   00 00 c6 20     lda     t5,0(t5)
 9bc:   46 04 46 40     s4addq  t1,t5,t5
 9c0:   00 00 c6 a0     ldl     t5,0(t5)
 9c4:   06 04 a6 43     addq    gp,t5,t5
 9c8:   00 00 e6 6b     jmp     (t5)
 9cc:   03 00 5f 20     lda     t1,3
 9d0:   48 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2120(sp)
 9d4:   38 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2104(sp)
 9d8:   08 00 4a 21     lda     s1,8(s1)
 9dc:   02 00 49 20     lda     t1,2(s0)
 9e0:   00 00 6a b4     stq     t2,0(s1)
 9e4:   ec fe ff c3     br      598 <__gettextparse+0x398>
 9e8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 9ec:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 9f0:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 9f4:   00 00 e3 b6     stq     t9,0(t2)
 9f8:   26 fe ff c3     br      294 <__gettextparse+0x94>
 9fc:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 a00:   02 00 b6 20     lda     t4,2(t8)
 a04:   01 00 56 2c     ldq_u   t1,1(t8)
 a08:   42 0f 45 48     extqh   t1,t4,t1
 a0c:   82 17 47 48     sra     t1,0x38,t1
 a10:   a2 b5 47 40     cmpeq   t1,0x3d,t1
 a14:   b2 00 40 f4     bne     t1,ce0 <__gettextparse+0xae0>
 a18:   48 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2120(sp)
 a1c:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 a20:   22 16 be 48     zapnot  t4,0xf0,t1
 a24:   00 00 03 b5     stq     t7,0(t2)
 a28:   03 01 bf 20     lda     t4,259
 a2c:   02 34 41 44     or      t1,0x9,t1
 a30:   48 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2120(sp)
 a34:   07 00 1f 21     lda     t7,7
 a38:   1c fe ff c3     br      2ac <__gettextparse+0xac>
 a3c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 a40:   48 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2120(sp)
 a44:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 a48:   22 16 be 48     zapnot  t4,0xf0,t1
 a4c:   00 00 03 b5     stq     t7,0(t2)
 a50:   05 01 bf 20     lda     t4,261
 a54:   02 74 40 44     or      t1,0x3,t1
 a58:   48 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2120(sp)
 a5c:   09 00 1f 21     lda     t7,9
 a60:   12 fe ff c3     br      2ac <__gettextparse+0xac>
 a64:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 a68:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 a6c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 a70:   48 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2120(sp)
 a74:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 a78:   22 16 be 48     zapnot  t4,0xf0,t1
 a7c:   00 00 03 b5     stq     t7,0(t2)
 a80:   04 01 bf 20     lda     t4,260
 a84:   02 f4 40 44     or      t1,0x7,t1
 a88:   48 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2120(sp)
 a8c:   08 00 1f 21     lda     t7,8
 a90:   06 fe ff c3     br      2ac <__gettextparse+0xac>
 a94:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 a98:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 a9c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 aa0:   48 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2120(sp)
 aa4:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 aa8:   22 16 be 48     zapnot  t4,0xf0,t1
 aac:   00 00 03 b5     stq     t7,0(t2)
 ab0:   04 01 bf 20     lda     t4,260
 ab4:   02 d4 40 44     or      t1,0x6,t1
 ab8:   48 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2120(sp)
 abc:   08 00 1f 21     lda     t7,8
 ac0:   fa fd ff c3     br      2ac <__gettextparse+0xac>
 ac4:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 ac8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 acc:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 ad0:   02 00 f6 22     lda     t9,2(t8)
 ad4:   01 00 d6 2c     ldq_u   t5,1(t8)
 ad8:   46 0f d7 48     extqh   t5,t9,t5
 adc:   86 17 c7 48     sra     t5,0x38,t5
 ae0:   a2 05 c2 40     cmpeq   t5,t1,t1
 ae4:   c2 ff 5f f4     bne     t1,9f0 <__gettextparse+0x7f0>
 ae8:   00 01 bf 20     lda     t4,256
 aec:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 af0:   00 00 03 b5     stq     t7,0(t2)
 af4:   01 00 1f 21     lda     t7,1
 af8:   ec fd ff c3     br      2ac <__gettextparse+0xac>
 afc:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 b00:   48 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2120(sp)
 b04:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 b08:   22 16 be 48     zapnot  t4,0xf0,t1
 b0c:   00 00 03 b5     stq     t7,0(t2)
 b10:   05 01 bf 20     lda     t4,261
 b14:   02 b4 40 44     or      t1,0x5,t1
 b18:   48 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2120(sp)
 b1c:   09 00 1f 21     lda     t7,9
 b20:   e2 fd ff c3     br      2ac <__gettextparse+0xac>
 b24:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 b28:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 b2c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 b30:   02 00 b6 20     lda     t4,2(t8)
 b34:   01 00 56 2c     ldq_u   t1,1(t8)
 b38:   42 0f 45 48     extqh   t1,t4,t1
 b3c:   82 17 47 48     sra     t1,0x38,t1
 b40:   a2 b5 47 40     cmpeq   t1,0x3d,t1
 b44:   6f 00 40 f4     bne     t1,d04 <__gettextparse+0xb04>
 b48:   21 00 bf 20     lda     t4,33
 b4c:   40 08 5e a4     ldq     t1,2112(sp)
 b50:   00 00 02 b5     stq     t7,0(t1)
 b54:   0a 00 1f 21     lda     t7,10
 b58:   d4 fd ff c3     br      2ac <__gettextparse+0xac>
 b5c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 b60:   08 04 ff 47     clr     t7
 b64:   40 08 5e a4     ldq     t1,2112(sp)
 b68:   05 04 ff 47     clr     t4
 b6c:   00 00 c2 b6     stq     t8,0(t1)
 b70:   cf fd ff c3     br      2b0 <__gettextparse+0xb0>
 b74:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 b78:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 b7c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 b80:   02 00 b6 20     lda     t4,2(t8)
 b84:   01 00 56 2c     ldq_u   t1,1(t8)
 b88:   42 0f 45 48     extqh   t1,t4,t1
 b8c:   82 17 47 48     sra     t1,0x38,t1
 b90:   a2 b5 47 40     cmpeq   t1,0x3d,t1
 b94:   f0 fe 5f e4     beq     t1,758 <__gettextparse+0x558>
 b98:   06 00 1f 21     lda     t7,6
 b9c:   48 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2120(sp)
 ba0:   22 16 7e 48     zapnot  t2,0xf0,t1
 ba4:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 ba8:   02 94 41 44     or      t1,0xc,t1
 bac:   48 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2120(sp)
 bb0:   00 00 a3 b4     stq     t4,0(t2)
 bb4:   02 01 bf 20     lda     t4,258
 bb8:   bc fd ff c3     br      2ac <__gettextparse+0xac>
 bbc:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 bc0:   02 00 b6 20     lda     t4,2(t8)
 bc4:   01 00 56 2c     ldq_u   t1,1(t8)
 bc8:   42 0f 45 48     extqh   t1,t4,t1
 bcc:   82 17 47 48     sra     t1,0x38,t1
 bd0:   a2 b5 47 40     cmpeq   t1,0x3d,t1
 bd4:   39 00 40 f4     bne     t1,cbc <__gettextparse+0xabc>
 bd8:   48 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2120(sp)
 bdc:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 be0:   22 16 be 48     zapnot  t4,0xf0,t1
 be4:   00 00 03 b5     stq     t7,0(t2)
 be8:   03 01 bf 20     lda     t4,259
 bec:   02 14 41 44     or      t1,0x8,t1
 bf0:   48 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2120(sp)
 bf4:   07 00 1f 21     lda     t7,7
 bf8:   ac fd ff c3     br      2ac <__gettextparse+0xac>
 bfc:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 c00:   02 00 d6 20     lda     t5,2(t8)
 c04:   01 00 56 2c     ldq_u   t1,1(t8)
 c08:   25 11 a6 40     subl    t4,0x30,t4
 c0c:   42 0f 46 48     extqh   t1,t5,t1
 c10:   82 17 47 48     sra     t1,0x38,t1
 c14:   22 11 46 40     subl    t1,0x30,t1
 c18:   06 f0 5f 44     and     t1,0xff,t5
 c1c:   a6 37 c1 40     cmpule  t5,0x9,t5
 c20:   0e 00 c0 e4     beq     t5,c5c <__gettextparse+0xa5c>
 c24:   01 00 08 21     lda     t7,1(t7)
 c28:   17 04 e8 47     mov     t7,t9
 c2c:   01 00 08 21     lda     t7,1(t7)
 c30:   45 04 a5 40     s4addq  t4,t4,t4
 c34:   00 00 d7 2c     ldq_u   t5,0(t9)
 c38:   02 00 e2 43     sextl   t1,t1
 c3c:   05 04 a5 40     addq    t4,t4,t4
 c40:   46 0f c8 48     extqh   t5,t7,t5
 c44:   05 04 45 40     addq    t1,t4,t4
 c48:   82 17 c7 48     sra     t5,0x38,t1
 c4c:   22 11 46 40     subl    t1,0x30,t1
 c50:   06 f0 5f 44     and     t1,0xff,t5
 c54:   a6 37 c1 40     cmpule  t5,0x9,t5
 c58:   f3 ff df f4     bne     t5,c28 <__gettextparse+0xa28>
 c5c:   40 08 5e a4     ldq     t1,2112(sp)
 c60:   48 08 be b4     stq     t4,2120(sp)
 c64:   0b 00 1f 21     lda     t7,11
 c68:   06 01 bf 20     lda     t4,262
 c6c:   00 00 e2 b6     stq     t9,0(t1)
 c70:   8e fd ff c3     br      2ac <__gettextparse+0xac>
 c74:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 c78:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 c7c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 c80:   48 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2120(sp)
 c84:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 c88:   22 16 be 48     zapnot  t4,0xf0,t1
 c8c:   00 00 03 b5     stq     t7,0(t2)
 c90:   05 01 bf 20     lda     t4,261
 c94:   02 94 40 44     or      t1,0x4,t1
 c98:   48 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2120(sp)
 c9c:   09 00 1f 21     lda     t7,9
 ca0:   82 fd ff c3     br      2ac <__gettextparse+0xac>
 ca4:   09 04 ed 47     mov     s4,s0
 ca8:   02 00 5f 21     lda     s1,2
 cac:   ca fd ff c3     br      3d8 <__gettextparse+0x1d8>
 cb0:   09 04 ee 47     mov     s5,s0
 cb4:   01 00 5f 21     lda     s1,1
 cb8:   ca fd ff c3     br      3e4 <__gettextparse+0x1e4>
 cbc:   07 00 1f 21     lda     t7,7
 cc0:   48 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2120(sp)
 cc4:   22 16 7e 48     zapnot  t2,0xf0,t1
 cc8:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 ccc:   02 54 41 44     or      t1,0xa,t1
 cd0:   48 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2120(sp)
 cd4:   00 00 a3 b4     stq     t4,0(t2)
 cd8:   03 01 bf 20     lda     t4,259
 cdc:   73 fd ff c3     br      2ac <__gettextparse+0xac>
 ce0:   07 00 1f 21     lda     t7,7
 ce4:   48 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2120(sp)
 ce8:   22 16 7e 48     zapnot  t2,0xf0,t1
 cec:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 cf0:   02 74 41 44     or      t1,0xb,t1
 cf4:   48 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2120(sp)
 cf8:   00 00 a3 b4     stq     t4,0(t2)
 cfc:   03 01 bf 20     lda     t4,259
 d00:   6a fd ff c3     br      2ac <__gettextparse+0xac>
 d04:   06 00 1f 21     lda     t7,6
 d08:   48 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2120(sp)
 d0c:   22 16 7e 48     zapnot  t2,0xf0,t1
 d10:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 d14:   02 b4 41 44     or      t1,0xd,t1
 d18:   48 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2120(sp)
 d1c:   00 00 a3 b4     stq     t4,0(t2)
 d20:   02 01 bf 20     lda     t4,258
 d24:   61 fd ff c3     br      2ac <__gettextparse+0xac>
 d28:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 d2c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
plural-new.o:     file format elf64-alpha

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <__gettext_free_exp>:
   0:   00 00 bb 27     ldah    gp,0(t12)
   4:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
   8:   f0 ff de 23     lda     sp,-16(sp)
   c:   08 00 3e b5     stq     s0,8(sp)
  10:   09 04 f0 47     mov     a0,s0
  14:   00 00 5e b7     stq     ra,0(sp)
  18:   11 00 00 e6     beq     a0,60 <__gettext_free_exp+0x60>
  1c:   00 00 30 a0     ldl     t0,0(a0)
  20:   a2 5d 20 40     cmple   t0,0x2,t1
  24:   12 00 40 e4     beq     t1,70 <__gettext_free_exp+0x70>
  28:   a2 55 20 40     cmpeq   t0,0x2,t1
  2c:   17 00 40 f4     bne     t1,8c <__gettext_free_exp+0x8c>
  30:   a1 35 20 40     cmpeq   t0,0x1,t0
  34:   05 00 20 e4     beq     t0,4c <__gettext_free_exp+0x4c>
  38:   08 00 09 a6     ldq     a0,8(s0)
  3c:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
  40:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),44 <__gettext_free_exp+0x44>
  44:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
  48:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
  4c:   10 04 e9 47     mov     s0,a0
  50:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
  54:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),58 <__gettext_free_exp+0x58>
  58:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
  5c:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
  60:   00 00 5e a7     ldq     ra,0(sp)
  64:   08 00 3e a5     ldq     s0,8(sp)
  68:   10 00 de 23     lda     sp,16(sp)
  6c:   01 80 fa 6b     ret
  70:   a1 75 20 40     cmpeq   t0,0x3,t0
  74:   f5 ff 3f e4     beq     t0,4c <__gettext_free_exp+0x4c>
  78:   18 00 10 a6     ldq     a0,24(a0)
  7c:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
  80:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),84 <__gettext_free_exp+0x84>
  84:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
  88:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
  8c:   10 00 09 a6     ldq     a0,16(s0)
  90:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
  94:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),98 <__gettext_free_exp+0x98>
  98:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
  9c:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
  a0:   e5 ff ff c3     br      38 <__gettext_free_exp+0x38>
  a4:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
  a8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
  ac:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    

00000000000000b0 <new_exp>:
  b0:   00 00 bb 27     ldah    gp,0(t12)
  b4:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
  b8:   d0 ff de 23     lda     sp,-48(sp)
  bc:   08 00 3e b5     stq     s0,8(sp)
  c0:   29 31 00 42     subl    a0,0x1,s0
  c4:   10 00 5e b5     stq     s1,16(sp)
  c8:   01 00 29 20     lda     t0,1(s0)
  cc:   18 00 7e b5     stq     s2,24(sp)
  d0:   0a 04 f2 47     mov     a2,s1
  d4:   20 00 9e b5     stq     s3,32(sp)
  d8:   0b 04 f0 47     mov     a0,s2
  dc:   00 00 5e b7     stq     ra,0(sp)
  e0:   0c 04 f1 47     mov     a1,s3
  e4:   35 00 20 e4     beq     t0,1bc <new_exp+0x10c>
  e8:   01 04 e9 47     mov     s0,t0
  ec:   01 00 e0 c3     br      f4 <new_exp+0x44>
  f0:   1b 00 40 e4     beq     t1,160 <new_exp+0xb0>
  f4:   43 06 2a 40     s8addq  t0,s1,t2
  f8:   ff ff 21 20     lda     t0,-1(t0)
  fc:   02 00 e1 43     sextl   t0,t1
 100:   00 00 63 a4     ldq     t2,0(t2)
 104:   01 00 42 20     lda     t1,1(t1)
 108:   f9 ff 7f f4     bne     t2,f0 <new_exp+0x40>
 10c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 110:   41 06 2a 41     s8addq  s0,s1,t0
 114:   ff ff 29 21     lda     s0,-1(s0)
 118:   00 00 01 a6     ldq     a0,0(t0)
 11c:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 120:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),124 <new_exp+0x74>
 124:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 128:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 12c:   01 00 e9 43     sextl   s0,t0
 130:   01 00 21 20     lda     t0,1(t0)
 134:   f6 ff 3f f4     bne     t0,110 <new_exp+0x60>
 138:   00 00 5e a7     ldq     ra,0(sp)
 13c:   08 00 3e a5     ldq     s0,8(sp)
 140:   10 00 5e a5     ldq     s1,16(sp)
 144:   18 00 7e a5     ldq     s2,24(sp)
 148:   00 04 ff 47     clr     v0
 14c:   20 00 9e a5     ldq     s3,32(sp)
 150:   30 00 de 23     lda     sp,48(sp)
 154:   01 80 fa 6b     ret
 158:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 15c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 160:   20 00 1f 22     lda     a0,32
 164:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 168:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),16c <new_exp+0xbc>
 16c:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 170:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 174:   e6 ff 1f e4     beq     v0,110 <new_exp+0x60>
 178:   00 00 60 b1     stl     s2,0(v0)
 17c:   04 00 80 b1     stl     s3,4(v0)
 180:   41 06 2a 41     s8addq  s0,s1,t0
 184:   42 06 20 41     s8addq  s0,v0,t1
 188:   ff ff 29 21     lda     s0,-1(s0)
 18c:   00 00 61 a4     ldq     t2,0(t0)
 190:   01 00 e9 43     sextl   s0,t0
 194:   01 00 21 20     lda     t0,1(t0)
 198:   08 00 62 b4     stq     t2,8(t1)
 19c:   f8 ff 3f f4     bne     t0,180 <new_exp+0xd0>
 1a0:   00 00 5e a7     ldq     ra,0(sp)
 1a4:   08 00 3e a5     ldq     s0,8(sp)
 1a8:   10 00 5e a5     ldq     s1,16(sp)
 1ac:   18 00 7e a5     ldq     s2,24(sp)
 1b0:   20 00 9e a5     ldq     s3,32(sp)
 1b4:   30 00 de 23     lda     sp,48(sp)
 1b8:   01 80 fa 6b     ret
 1bc:   20 00 1f 22     lda     a0,32
 1c0:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 1c4:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),1c8 <new_exp+0x118>
 1c8:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 1cc:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 1d0:   d9 ff 1f e4     beq     v0,138 <new_exp+0x88>
 1d4:   04 00 80 b1     stl     s3,4(v0)
 1d8:   00 00 5e a7     ldq     ra,0(sp)
 1dc:   08 00 3e a5     ldq     s0,8(sp)
 1e0:   10 00 5e a5     ldq     s1,16(sp)
 1e4:   18 00 7e a5     ldq     s2,24(sp)
 1e8:   20 00 9e a5     ldq     s3,32(sp)
 1ec:   00 00 e0 b3     stl     zero,0(v0)
 1f0:   30 00 de 23     lda     sp,48(sp)
 1f4:   01 80 fa 6b     ret
 1f8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 1fc:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    

0000000000000200 <__gettextparse>:
 200:   00 00 bb 27     ldah    gp,0(t12)
 204:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 208:   90 f7 de 23     lda     sp,-2160(sp)
 20c:   00 00 9d 24     ldah    t3,0(gp)
 210:   80 06 3e a0     ldl     t0,1664(sp)
 214:   08 00 3e b5     stq     s0,8(sp)
 218:   00 00 5d 24     ldah    t1,0(gp)
 21c:   80 06 3e 21     lda     s0,1664(sp)
 220:   10 00 5e b5     stq     s1,16(sp)
 224:   21 96 3f 48     zapnot  t0,0xfc,t0
 228:   18 00 7e b5     stq     s2,24(sp)
 22c:   40 00 5e 21     lda     s1,64(sp)
 230:   20 00 9e b5     stq     s3,32(sp)
 234:   28 00 be b5     stq     s4,40(sp)
 238:   00 00 42 20     lda     t1,0(t1)
 23c:   30 00 de b5     stq     s5,48(sp)
 240:   fe ff bf 20     lda     t4,-2
 244:   80 06 3e b0     stl     t0,1664(sp)
 248:   c8 00 7f 21     lda     s2,200
 24c:   01 04 ff 47     clr     t0
 250:   00 00 5e b7     stq     ra,0(sp)
 254:   0e 04 ea 47     mov     s1,s5
 258:   38 00 fe b5     stq     fp,56(sp)
 25c:   0d 04 e9 47     mov     s0,s4
 260:   40 08 1e b6     stq     a0,2112(sp)
 264:   00 00 84 21     lda     s3,0(t3)
 268:   38 08 fe b7     stq     zero,2104(sp)
 26c:   01 00 42 20     lda     t1,1(t1)
 270:   30 08 3e b5     stq     s0,2096(sp)
 274:   48 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2120(sp)
 278:   02 04 81 41     addq    s3,t0,t1
 27c:   01 00 c2 20     lda     t5,1(t1)
 280:   00 00 e2 2c     ldq_u   t6,0(t1)
 284:   47 0f e6 48     extqh   t6,t5,t6
 288:   87 17 e7 48     sra     t6,0x38,t6
 28c:   0a 00 47 20     lda     t1,10(t6)
 290:   27 00 40 e4     beq     t1,330 <__gettextparse+0x130>
 294:   02 00 45 20     lda     t1,2(t4)
 298:   21 01 40 e4     beq     t1,720 <__gettextparse+0x520>
 29c:   94 00 a0 ec     ble     t4,4f0 <__gettextparse+0x2f0>
 2a0:   00 00 5d 24     ldah    t1,0(gp)
 2a4:   00 00 42 20     lda     t1,0(t1)
 2a8:   02 04 a2 40     addq    t4,t1,t1
 2ac:   00 00 02 2d     ldq_u   t7,0(t1)
 2b0:   c8 00 02 49     extbl   t7,t1,t7
 2b4:   07 00 e8 40     addl    t6,t7,t6
 2b8:   26 f6 e1 48     zapnot  t6,0xf,t5
 2bc:   a6 d7 c6 40     cmpule  t5,0x36,t5
 2c0:   1b 00 c0 e4     beq     t5,330 <__gettextparse+0x130>
 2c4:   00 00 dd 24     ldah    t5,0(gp)
 2c8:   00 00 c6 20     lda     t5,0(t5)
 2cc:   06 04 e6 40     addq    t6,t5,t5
 2d0:   01 00 c6 22     lda     t8,1(t5)
 2d4:   00 00 46 2c     ldq_u   t1,0(t5)
 2d8:   42 0f 56 48     extqh   t1,t8,t1
 2dc:   82 17 47 48     sra     t1,0x38,t1
 2e0:   a2 05 48 40     cmpeq   t1,t7,t1
 2e4:   12 00 40 e4     beq     t1,330 <__gettextparse+0x130>
 2e8:   00 00 3d 24     ldah    t0,0(gp)
 2ec:   00 00 21 20     lda     t0,0(t0)
 2f0:   07 04 e1 40     addq    t6,t0,t6
 2f4:   00 00 27 2c     ldq_u   t0,0(t6)
 2f8:   c1 00 27 48     extbl   t0,t6,t0
 2fc:   28 01 20 f4     bne     t0,7a0 <__gettextparse+0x5a0>
 300:   00 00 5d 24     ldah    t1,0(gp)
 304:   48 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2120(sp)
 308:   00 00 42 20     lda     t1,0(t1)
 30c:   08 00 0a a4     ldq     v0,8(s1)
 310:   08 04 ea 47     mov     s1,t7
 314:   f0 ff ff 20     lda     t6,-16
 318:   00 00 22 2c     ldq_u   t0,0(t1)
 31c:   41 0f 23 48     extqh   t0,t2,t0
 320:   81 17 27 48     sra     t0,0x38,t0
 324:   8f 00 e0 c3     br      564 <__gettextparse+0x364>
 328:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 32c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 330:   00 00 5d 24     ldah    t1,0(gp)
 334:   00 00 42 20     lda     t1,0(t1)
 338:   02 04 22 40     addq    t0,t1,t1
 33c:   00 00 c2 2c     ldq_u   t5,0(t1)
 340:   c2 00 c2 48     extbl   t5,t1,t1
 344:   08 00 e2 43     sextl   t1,t7
 348:   35 00 40 f4     bne     t1,420 <__gettextparse+0x220>
 34c:   38 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2104(sp)
 350:   a2 75 80 40     cmpeq   t3,0x3,t1
 354:   02 00 40 e4     beq     t1,360 <__gettextparse+0x160>
 358:   1d 01 a0 fc     bgt     t4,7d0 <__gettextparse+0x5d0>
 35c:   4d 02 a0 e4     beq     t4,c94 <__gettextparse+0xa94>
 360:   00 00 dd 24     ldah    t5,0(gp)
 364:   00 00 fd 24     ldah    t6,0(gp)
 368:   00 00 c6 20     lda     t5,0(t5)
 36c:   00 00 e7 20     lda     t6,0(t6)
 370:   0b 00 e0 c3     br      3a0 <__gettextparse+0x1a0>
 374:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 378:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 37c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 380:   a1 05 2d 41     cmpeq   s0,s4,t0
 384:   46 00 20 f4     bne     t0,4a0 <__gettextparse+0x2a0>
 388:   fe ff 29 21     lda     s0,-2(s0)
 38c:   02 00 49 20     lda     t1,2(s0)
 390:   f8 ff 4a 21     lda     s1,-8(s1)
 394:   00 00 29 2c     ldq_u   t0,0(s0)
 398:   41 0f 22 48     extqh   t0,t1,t0
 39c:   81 17 26 48     sra     t0,0x30,t0
 3a0:   01 04 81 41     addq    s3,t0,t0
 3a4:   01 00 41 20     lda     t1,1(t0)
 3a8:   00 00 21 2c     ldq_u   t0,0(t0)
 3ac:   41 0f 22 48     extqh   t0,t1,t0
 3b0:   81 17 27 48     sra     t0,0x38,t0
 3b4:   0a 00 41 20     lda     t1,10(t0)
 3b8:   f1 ff 5f e4     beq     t1,380 <__gettextparse+0x180>
 3bc:   01 30 20 40     addl    t0,0x1,t0
 3c0:   22 f6 21 48     zapnot  t0,0xf,t1
 3c4:   01 00 e1 43     sextl   t0,t0
 3c8:   a2 d7 46 40     cmpule  t1,0x36,t1
 3cc:   ec ff 5f e4     beq     t1,380 <__gettextparse+0x180>
 3d0:   08 04 26 40     addq    t0,t5,t7
 3d4:   01 00 c8 22     lda     t8,1(t7)
 3d8:   00 00 48 2c     ldq_u   t1,0(t7)
 3dc:   42 0f 56 48     extqh   t1,t8,t1
 3e0:   82 17 47 48     sra     t1,0x38,t1
 3e4:   a2 35 40 40     cmpeq   t1,0x1,t1
 3e8:   e5 ff 5f e4     beq     t1,380 <__gettextparse+0x180>
 3ec:   01 04 27 40     addq    t0,t6,t0
 3f0:   00 00 41 2c     ldq_u   t1,0(t0)
 3f4:   c1 00 41 48     extbl   t1,t0,t0
 3f8:   e1 ff 3f e4     beq     t0,380 <__gettextparse+0x180>
 3fc:   03 00 9f 20     lda     t3,3
 400:   50 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2128(sp)
 404:   38 08 9e b4     stq     t3,2104(sp)
 408:   08 00 4a 21     lda     s1,8(s1)
 40c:   02 00 49 20     lda     t1,2(s0)
 410:   00 00 6a b4     stq     t2,0(s1)
 414:   6e 00 e0 c3     br      5d0 <__gettextparse+0x3d0>
 418:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 41c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 420:   00 00 3d 24     ldah    t0,0(gp)
 424:   00 00 21 20     lda     t0,0(t0)
 428:   01 04 01 41     addq    t7,t0,t0
 42c:   a7 b7 41 40     cmpule  t1,0xd,t6
 430:   00 00 c1 2c     ldq_u   t5,0(t0)
 434:   c1 00 c1 48     extbl   t5,t0,t0
 438:   01 00 df 20     lda     t5,1
 43c:   26 01 c1 40     subl    t5,t0,t5
 440:   46 06 ca 40     s8addq  t5,s1,t5
 444:   00 00 06 a4     ldq     v0,0(t5)
 448:   2d 00 e0 f4     bne     t6,500 <__gettextparse+0x300>
 44c:   00 00 5d 24     ldah    t1,0(gp)
 450:   00 00 42 20     lda     t1,0(t1)
 454:   02 04 02 41     addq    t7,t1,t1
 458:   00 00 9d 24     ldah    t3,0(gp)
 45c:   48 16 20 40     s8addq  t0,0,t7
 460:   00 00 e2 2c     ldq_u   t6,0(t1)
 464:   01 04 21 40     addq    t0,t0,t0
 468:   00 00 84 20     lda     t3,0(t3)
 46c:   c2 00 e2 48     extbl   t6,t1,t1
 470:   29 05 21 41     subq    s0,t0,s0
 474:   27 11 42 40     subl    t1,0x10,t6
 478:   01 04 e4 40     addq    t6,t3,t0
 47c:   01 00 41 20     lda     t1,1(t0)
 480:   28 05 48 41     subq    s1,t7,t7
 484:   00 00 21 2c     ldq_u   t0,0(t0)
 488:   41 0f 22 48     extqh   t0,t1,t0
 48c:   81 17 27 48     sra     t0,0x38,t0
 490:   34 00 e0 c3     br      564 <__gettextparse+0x364>
 494:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 498:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 49c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 4a0:   01 00 5f 21     lda     s1,1
 4a4:   30 08 3e a4     ldq     t0,2096(sp)
 4a8:   ad 05 21 41     cmpeq   s0,t0,s4
 4ac:   05 00 a0 f5     bne     s4,4c4 <__gettextparse+0x2c4>
 4b0:   10 04 e9 47     mov     s0,a0
 4b4:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 4b8:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),4bc <__gettextparse+0x2bc>
 4bc:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 4c0:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 4c4:   00 04 ea 47     mov     s1,v0
 4c8:   00 00 5e a7     ldq     ra,0(sp)
 4cc:   08 00 3e a5     ldq     s0,8(sp)
 4d0:   10 00 5e a5     ldq     s1,16(sp)
 4d4:   18 00 7e a5     ldq     s2,24(sp)
 4d8:   20 00 9e a5     ldq     s3,32(sp)
 4dc:   28 00 be a5     ldq     s4,40(sp)
 4e0:   30 00 de a5     ldq     s5,48(sp)
 4e4:   38 00 fe a5     ldq     fp,56(sp)
 4e8:   70 08 de 23     lda     sp,2160(sp)
 4ec:   01 80 fa 6b     ret
 4f0:   08 04 ff 47     clr     t7
 4f4:   05 04 ff 47     clr     t4
 4f8:   6f ff ff c3     br      2b8 <__gettextparse+0xb8>
 4fc:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 500:   00 00 dd 24     ldah    t5,0(gp)
 504:   00 00 c6 20     lda     t5,0(t5)
 508:   42 04 46 40     s4addq  t1,t5,t1
 50c:   00 00 42 a0     ldl     t1,0(t1)
 510:   02 04 a2 43     addq    gp,t1,t1
 514:   00 00 e2 6b     jmp     (t1)
 518:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 51c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 520:   10 08 5e 22     lda     a2,2064(sp)
 524:   f8 ff 2a a2     ldl     a1,-8(s1)
 528:   00 00 4a a4     ldq     t1,0(s1)
 52c:   f0 ff 2a a4     ldq     t0,-16(s1)
 530:   02 00 1f 22     lda     a0,2
 534:   10 08 3e b4     stq     t0,2064(sp)
 538:   68 08 be b4     stq     t4,2152(sp)
 53c:   fa ff 29 21     lda     s0,-6(s0)
 540:   18 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2072(sp)
 544:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 548:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),54c <__gettextparse+0x34c>
 54c:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 550:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 554:   e8 ff 0a 21     lda     t7,-24(s1)
 558:   68 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2152(sp)
 55c:   ff ff 3f 20     lda     t0,-1
 560:   02 00 ff 20     lda     t6,2
 564:   08 00 08 b4     stq     v0,8(t7)
 568:   02 00 49 20     lda     t1,2(s0)
 56c:   08 00 48 21     lda     s1,8(t7)
 570:   00 00 c9 2c     ldq_u   t5,0(s0)
 574:   46 0f c2 48     extqh   t5,t1,t5
 578:   86 17 c6 48     sra     t5,0x30,t5
 57c:   01 00 c1 40     addl    t5,t0,t0
 580:   28 f6 21 48     zapnot  t0,0xf,t7
 584:   01 00 e1 43     sextl   t0,t0
 588:   a8 d7 06 41     cmpule  t7,0x36,t7
 58c:   09 00 00 e5     beq     t7,5b4 <__gettextparse+0x3b4>
 590:   00 00 dd 26     ldah    t8,0(gp)
 594:   00 00 d6 22     lda     t8,0(t8)
 598:   16 04 36 40     addq    t0,t8,t8
 59c:   01 00 f6 22     lda     t9,1(t8)
 5a0:   00 00 16 2d     ldq_u   t7,0(t8)
 5a4:   48 0f 17 49     extqh   t7,t9,t7
 5a8:   88 17 07 49     sra     t7,0x38,t7
 5ac:   a6 05 06 41     cmpeq   t7,t5,t5
 5b0:   8b 00 c0 f4     bne     t5,7e0 <__gettextparse+0x5e0>
 5b4:   00 00 dd 24     ldah    t5,0(gp)
 5b8:   00 00 c6 20     lda     t5,0(t5)
 5bc:   06 04 e6 40     addq    t6,t5,t5
 5c0:   01 00 e6 20     lda     t6,1(t5)
 5c4:   00 00 26 2c     ldq_u   t0,0(t5)
 5c8:   41 0f 27 48     extqh   t0,t6,t0
 5cc:   81 17 27 48     sra     t0,0x38,t0
 5d0:   16 04 6b 41     addq    s2,s2,t8
 5d4:   02 00 09 2d     ldq_u   t7,2(s0)
 5d8:   67 03 22 48     inswl   t0,t1,t6
 5dc:   fe ff d6 20     lda     t5,-2(t8)
 5e0:   48 02 02 49     mskwl   t7,t1,t7
 5e4:   06 04 a6 41     addq    s4,t5,t5
 5e8:   07 04 e8 44     or      t6,t7,t6
 5ec:   02 00 e9 3c     stq_u   t6,2(s0)
 5f0:   a6 03 46 40     cmpult  t1,t5,t5
 5f4:   09 04 e2 47     mov     t1,s0
 5f8:   41 00 c0 f4     bne     t5,700 <__gettextparse+0x500>
 5fc:   2a 05 4d 40     subq    t1,s4,s1
 600:   8a 37 40 49     sra     s1,0x1,s1
 604:   0f 27 df 20     lda     t5,9999
 608:   ab 07 66 41     cmpule  s2,t5,s2
 60c:   01 00 4a 21     lda     s1,1(s1)
 610:   a3 01 60 e5     beq     s2,ca0 <__gettextparse+0xaa0>
 614:   10 27 5f 20     lda     t1,10000
 618:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 61c:   ab 03 c2 42     cmpult  t8,t1,s2
 620:   60 08 3e b4     stq     t0,2144(sp)
 624:   68 08 be b4     stq     t4,2152(sp)
 628:   c2 04 76 45     cmovne  s2,t8,t1
 62c:   50 04 42 40     s4addq  t1,t1,a0
 630:   10 04 10 42     addq    a0,a0,a0
 634:   07 00 10 22     lda     a0,7(a0)
 638:   0b 04 e2 47     mov     t1,s2
 63c:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),640 <__gettextparse+0x440>
 640:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 644:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 648:   0f 04 e0 47     mov     v0,fp
 64c:   94 01 00 e4     beq     v0,ca0 <__gettextparse+0xaa0>
 650:   09 04 4a 41     addq    s1,s1,s0
 654:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 658:   12 04 e9 47     mov     s0,a2
 65c:   11 04 ed 47     mov     s4,a1
 660:   10 04 e0 47     mov     v0,a0
 664:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),668 <__gettextparse+0x468>
 668:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 66c:   4a 16 40 41     s8addq  s1,0,s1
 670:   06 04 6b 41     addq    s2,s2,t5
 674:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 678:   06 04 e6 41     addq    fp,t5,t5
 67c:   11 04 ee 47     mov     s5,a1
 680:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 684:   10 04 e6 47     mov     t5,a0
 688:   12 04 ea 47     mov     s1,a2
 68c:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),690 <__gettextparse+0x490>
 690:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 694:   0e 04 6b 41     addq    s2,s2,s5
 698:   30 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2096(sp)
 69c:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 6a0:   60 08 3e a4     ldq     t0,2144(sp)
 6a4:   06 04 e0 47     mov     v0,t5
 6a8:   68 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2152(sp)
 6ac:   a7 05 a3 41     cmpeq   s4,t2,t6
 6b0:   09 00 e0 f4     bne     t6,6d8 <__gettextparse+0x4d8>
 6b4:   10 04 ed 47     mov     s4,a0
 6b8:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 6bc:   58 08 1e b4     stq     v0,2136(sp)
 6c0:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),6c4 <__gettextparse+0x4c4>
 6c4:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 6c8:   58 08 de a4     ldq     t5,2136(sp)
 6cc:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 6d0:   68 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2152(sp)
 6d4:   60 08 3e a4     ldq     t0,2144(sp)
 6d8:   fe ff 29 21     lda     s0,-2(s0)
 6dc:   fe ff ce 21     lda     s5,-2(s5)
 6e0:   09 04 e9 41     addq    fp,s0,s0
 6e4:   0e 04 ee 41     addq    fp,s5,s5
 6e8:   f8 ff 4a 21     lda     s1,-8(s1)
 6ec:   ae 03 2e 41     cmpult  s0,s5,s5
 6f0:   0a 04 ca 40     addq    t5,s1,s1
 6f4:   6d 01 c0 e5     beq     s5,cac <__gettextparse+0xaac>
 6f8:   0e 04 e6 47     mov     t5,s5
 6fc:   0d 04 ef 47     mov     fp,s4
 700:   a2 35 21 40     cmpeq   t0,0x9,t1
 704:   dc fe 5f e4     beq     t1,278 <__gettextparse+0x78>
 708:   09 04 ed 47     mov     s4,s0
 70c:   0a 04 ff 47     clr     s1
 710:   64 ff ff c3     br      4a4 <__gettextparse+0x2a4>
 714:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 718:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 71c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 720:   40 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2112(sp)
 724:   00 00 c4 a6     ldq     t8,0(t3)
 728:   01 00 16 21     lda     t7,1(t8)
 72c:   00 00 56 2c     ldq_u   t1,0(t8)
 730:   42 0f 48 48     extqh   t1,t7,t1
 734:   82 17 47 48     sra     t1,0x38,t1
 738:   08 00 40 f4     bne     t1,75c <__gettextparse+0x55c>
 73c:   2e 00 e0 c3     br      7f8 <__gettextparse+0x5f8>
 740:   02 00 b6 20     lda     t4,2(t8)
 744:   00 00 48 2c     ldq_u   t1,0(t7)
 748:   16 04 e8 47     mov     t7,t8
 74c:   42 0f 45 48     extqh   t1,t4,t1
 750:   82 17 47 48     sra     t1,0x38,t1
 754:   2a 00 40 e4     beq     t1,800 <__gettextparse+0x600>
 758:   01 00 08 21     lda     t7,1(t7)
 75c:   a6 15 44 40     cmpeq   t1,0x20,t5
 760:   a5 35 41 40     cmpeq   t1,0x9,t4
 764:   a6 15 c0 40     cmpeq   t5,0,t5
 768:   a5 15 a0 40     cmpeq   t4,0,t4
 76c:   17 04 e8 47     mov     t7,t9
 770:   05 00 c5 44     and     t5,t4,t4
 774:   f2 ff bf e4     beq     t4,740 <__gettextparse+0x540>
 778:   06 f0 5f 44     and     t1,0xff,t5
 77c:   a6 97 cf 40     cmpule  t5,0x7c,t5
 780:   05 00 e2 43     sextl   t1,t4
 784:   8f 00 c0 f4     bne     t5,9c4 <__gettextparse+0x7c4>
 788:   00 01 bf 20     lda     t4,256
 78c:   40 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2112(sp)
 790:   00 00 04 b5     stq     t7,0(t3)
 794:   01 00 1f 21     lda     t7,1
 798:   c6 fe ff c3     br      2b4 <__gettextparse+0xb4>
 79c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 7a0:   38 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2104(sp)
 7a4:   08 00 4a 21     lda     s1,8(s1)
 7a8:   50 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2128(sp)
 7ac:   fe ff bf 20     lda     t4,-2
 7b0:   22 31 80 40     subl    t3,0x1,t1
 7b4:   c4 04 82 44     cmovne  t3,t1,t3
 7b8:   00 00 6a b4     stq     t2,0(s1)
 7bc:   38 08 9e b4     stq     t3,2104(sp)
 7c0:   02 00 49 20     lda     t1,2(s0)
 7c4:   82 ff ff c3     br      5d0 <__gettextparse+0x3d0>
 7c8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 7cc:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 7d0:   fe ff bf 20     lda     t4,-2
 7d4:   e2 fe ff c3     br      360 <__gettextparse+0x160>
 7d8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 7dc:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 7e0:   00 00 dd 24     ldah    t5,0(gp)
 7e4:   00 00 c6 20     lda     t5,0(t5)
 7e8:   01 04 26 40     addq    t0,t5,t0
 7ec:   00 00 c1 2c     ldq_u   t5,0(t0)
 7f0:   c1 00 c1 48     extbl   t5,t0,t0
 7f4:   76 ff ff c3     br      5d0 <__gettextparse+0x3d0>
 7f8:   17 04 f6 47     mov     t8,t9
 7fc:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 800:   08 04 ff 47     clr     t7
 804:   40 08 5e a4     ldq     t1,2112(sp)
 808:   05 04 ff 47     clr     t4
 80c:   00 00 e2 b6     stq     t9,0(t1)
 810:   a9 fe ff c3     br      2b8 <__gettextparse+0xb8>
 814:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 818:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 81c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 820:   10 08 5e 22     lda     a2,2064(sp)
 824:   00 00 2a a4     ldq     t0,0(s1)
 828:   02 00 3f 22     lda     a1,2
 82c:   68 08 be b4     stq     t4,2152(sp)
 830:   01 00 1f 22     lda     a0,1
 834:   10 08 3e b4     stq     t0,2064(sp)
 838:   fc ff 29 21     lda     s0,-4(s0)
 83c:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 840:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),844 <__gettextparse+0x644>
 844:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 848:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 84c:   f0 ff 0a 21     lda     t7,-16(s1)
 850:   68 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2152(sp)
 854:   ff ff 3f 20     lda     t0,-1
 858:   02 00 ff 20     lda     t6,2
 85c:   41 ff ff c3     br      564 <__gettextparse+0x364>
 860:   12 04 ff 47     clr     a2
 864:   68 08 be b4     stq     t4,2152(sp)
 868:   11 04 ff 47     clr     a1
 86c:   10 04 ff 47     clr     a0
 870:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 874:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),878 <__gettextparse+0x678>
 878:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 87c:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 880:   fe ff 29 21     lda     s0,-2(s0)
 884:   f8 ff 0a 21     lda     t7,-8(s1)
 888:   68 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2152(sp)
 88c:   ff ff 3f 20     lda     t0,-1
 890:   02 00 ff 20     lda     t6,2
 894:   33 ff ff c3     br      564 <__gettextparse+0x364>
 898:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 89c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 8a0:   12 04 ff 47     clr     a2
 8a4:   68 08 be b4     stq     t4,2152(sp)
 8a8:   01 00 3f 22     lda     a1,1
 8ac:   10 04 ff 47     clr     a0
 8b0:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 8b4:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),8b8 <__gettextparse+0x6b8>
 8b8:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 8bc:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 8c0:   fe ff 29 21     lda     s0,-2(s0)
 8c4:   f8 ff 0a 21     lda     t7,-8(s1)
 8c8:   68 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2152(sp)
 8cc:   ff ff 3f 20     lda     t0,-1
 8d0:   02 00 ff 20     lda     t6,2
 8d4:   23 ff 1f e4     beq     v0,564 <__gettextparse+0x364>
 8d8:   00 00 4a a4     ldq     t1,0(s1)
 8dc:   08 00 40 b4     stq     t1,8(v0)
 8e0:   20 ff ff c3     br      564 <__gettextparse+0x364>
 8e4:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 8e8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 8ec:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 8f0:   e8 ff 0a 21     lda     t7,-24(s1)
 8f4:   f8 ff 0a a4     ldq     v0,-8(s1)
 8f8:   fa ff 29 21     lda     s0,-6(s0)
 8fc:   ff ff 3f 20     lda     t0,-1
 900:   02 00 ff 20     lda     t6,2
 904:   17 ff ff c3     br      564 <__gettextparse+0x364>
 908:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 90c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 910:   10 08 5e 22     lda     a2,2064(sp)
 914:   00 00 4a a4     ldq     t1,0(s1)
 918:   0e 00 3f 22     lda     a1,14
 91c:   f0 ff 2a a4     ldq     t0,-16(s1)
 920:   03 ff ff c3     br      530 <__gettextparse+0x330>
 924:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 928:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 92c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 930:   10 08 5e 22     lda     a2,2064(sp)
 934:   00 00 4a a4     ldq     t1,0(s1)
 938:   0f 00 3f 22     lda     a1,15
 93c:   f0 ff 2a a4     ldq     t0,-16(s1)
 940:   fb fe ff c3     br      530 <__gettextparse+0x330>
 944:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 948:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 94c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 950:   e0 ff 2a a4     ldq     t0,-32(s1)
 954:   f0 ff ca a4     ldq     t5,-16(s1)
 958:   10 08 5e 22     lda     a2,2064(sp)
 95c:   00 00 4a a4     ldq     t1,0(s1)
 960:   10 00 3f 22     lda     a1,16
 964:   10 08 3e b4     stq     t0,2064(sp)
 968:   03 00 1f 22     lda     a0,3
 96c:   68 08 be b4     stq     t4,2152(sp)
 970:   18 08 de b4     stq     t5,2072(sp)
 974:   f6 ff 29 21     lda     s0,-10(s0)
 978:   20 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2080(sp)
 97c:   00 00 7d a7     ldq     t12,0(gp)
 980:   00 40 5b 6b     jsr     ra,(t12),984 <__gettextparse+0x784>
 984:   00 00 ba 27     ldah    gp,0(ra)
 988:   00 00 bd 23     lda     gp,0(gp)
 98c:   d8 ff 0a 21     lda     t7,-40(s1)
 990:   68 08 be a4     ldq     t4,2152(sp)
 994:   ff ff 3f 20     lda     t0,-1
 998:   02 00 ff 20     lda     t6,2
 99c:   f1 fe ff c3     br      564 <__gettextparse+0x364>
 9a0:   00 00 2a a4     ldq     t0,0(s1)
 9a4:   bb 00 20 e4     beq     t0,c94 <__gettextparse+0xa94>
 9a8:   f8 ff 0a 21     lda     t7,-8(s1)
 9ac:   40 08 5e a4     ldq     t1,2112(sp)
 9b0:   fe ff 29 21     lda     s0,-2(s0)
 9b4:   01 00 ff 20     lda     t6,1
 9b8:   08 00 22 b4     stq     t0,8(t1)
 9bc:   f6 ff 3f 20     lda     t0,-10
 9c0:   e8 fe ff c3     br      564 <__gettextparse+0x364>
 9c4:   00 00 dd 24     ldah    t5,0(gp)
 9c8:   00 00 c6 20     lda     t5,0(t5)
 9cc:   46 04 46 40     s4addq  t1,t5,t5
 9d0:   00 00 c6 a0     ldl     t5,0(t5)
 9d4:   06 04 a6 43     addq    gp,t5,t5
 9d8:   00 00 e6 6b     jmp     (t5)
 9dc:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 9e0:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 9e4:   00 00 e3 b6     stq     t9,0(t2)
 9e8:   2c fe ff c3     br      29c <__gettextparse+0x9c>
 9ec:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 9f0:   02 00 b6 20     lda     t4,2(t8)
 9f4:   01 00 56 2c     ldq_u   t1,1(t8)
 9f8:   50 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2128(sp)
 9fc:   42 0f 45 48     extqh   t1,t4,t1
 a00:   82 17 47 48     sra     t1,0x38,t1
 a04:   a2 b5 47 40     cmpeq   t1,0x3d,t1
 a08:   b3 00 40 f4     bne     t1,cd8 <__gettextparse+0xad8>
 a0c:   22 16 9e 48     zapnot  t3,0xf0,t1
 a10:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 a14:   03 01 bf 20     lda     t4,259
 a18:   02 34 41 44     or      t1,0x9,t1
 a1c:   50 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2128(sp)
 a20:   00 00 03 b5     stq     t7,0(t2)
 a24:   07 00 1f 21     lda     t7,7
 a28:   22 fe ff c3     br      2b4 <__gettextparse+0xb4>
 a2c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 a30:   50 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2128(sp)
 a34:   05 01 bf 20     lda     t4,261
 a38:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 a3c:   22 16 9e 48     zapnot  t3,0xf0,t1
 a40:   00 00 03 b5     stq     t7,0(t2)
 a44:   09 00 1f 21     lda     t7,9
 a48:   02 74 40 44     or      t1,0x3,t1
 a4c:   50 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2128(sp)
 a50:   18 fe ff c3     br      2b4 <__gettextparse+0xb4>
 a54:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 a58:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 a5c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 a60:   50 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2128(sp)
 a64:   04 01 bf 20     lda     t4,260
 a68:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 a6c:   22 16 9e 48     zapnot  t3,0xf0,t1
 a70:   00 00 03 b5     stq     t7,0(t2)
 a74:   08 00 1f 21     lda     t7,8
 a78:   02 f4 40 44     or      t1,0x7,t1
 a7c:   50 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2128(sp)
 a80:   0c fe ff c3     br      2b4 <__gettextparse+0xb4>
 a84:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 a88:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 a8c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 a90:   50 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2128(sp)
 a94:   04 01 bf 20     lda     t4,260
 a98:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 a9c:   22 16 9e 48     zapnot  t3,0xf0,t1
 aa0:   00 00 03 b5     stq     t7,0(t2)
 aa4:   08 00 1f 21     lda     t7,8
 aa8:   02 d4 40 44     or      t1,0x6,t1
 aac:   50 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2128(sp)
 ab0:   00 fe ff c3     br      2b4 <__gettextparse+0xb4>
 ab4:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 ab8:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 abc:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 ac0:   02 00 f6 22     lda     t9,2(t8)
 ac4:   01 00 d6 2c     ldq_u   t5,1(t8)
 ac8:   46 0f d7 48     extqh   t5,t9,t5
 acc:   86 17 c7 48     sra     t5,0x38,t5
 ad0:   a2 05 c2 40     cmpeq   t5,t1,t1
 ad4:   c2 ff 5f f4     bne     t1,9e0 <__gettextparse+0x7e0>
 ad8:   00 01 bf 20     lda     t4,256
 adc:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 ae0:   00 00 03 b5     stq     t7,0(t2)
 ae4:   01 00 1f 21     lda     t7,1
 ae8:   f2 fd ff c3     br      2b4 <__gettextparse+0xb4>
 aec:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 af0:   50 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2128(sp)
 af4:   05 01 bf 20     lda     t4,261
 af8:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 afc:   22 16 9e 48     zapnot  t3,0xf0,t1
 b00:   00 00 03 b5     stq     t7,0(t2)
 b04:   09 00 1f 21     lda     t7,9
 b08:   02 b4 40 44     or      t1,0x5,t1
 b0c:   50 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2128(sp)
 b10:   e8 fd ff c3     br      2b4 <__gettextparse+0xb4>
 b14:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 b18:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 b1c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 b20:   02 00 b6 20     lda     t4,2(t8)
 b24:   01 00 56 2c     ldq_u   t1,1(t8)
 b28:   42 0f 45 48     extqh   t1,t4,t1
 b2c:   82 17 47 48     sra     t1,0x38,t1
 b30:   a2 b5 47 40     cmpeq   t1,0x3d,t1
 b34:   70 00 40 f4     bne     t1,cf8 <__gettextparse+0xaf8>
 b38:   21 00 bf 20     lda     t4,33
 b3c:   40 08 5e a4     ldq     t1,2112(sp)
 b40:   00 00 02 b5     stq     t7,0(t1)
 b44:   0a 00 1f 21     lda     t7,10
 b48:   da fd ff c3     br      2b4 <__gettextparse+0xb4>
 b4c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 b50:   08 04 ff 47     clr     t7
 b54:   40 08 5e a4     ldq     t1,2112(sp)
 b58:   05 04 ff 47     clr     t4
 b5c:   00 00 c2 b6     stq     t8,0(t1)
 b60:   d5 fd ff c3     br      2b8 <__gettextparse+0xb8>
 b64:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 b68:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 b6c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 b70:   02 00 b6 20     lda     t4,2(t8)
 b74:   01 00 56 2c     ldq_u   t1,1(t8)
 b78:   42 0f 45 48     extqh   t1,t4,t1
 b7c:   82 17 47 48     sra     t1,0x38,t1
 b80:   a2 b5 47 40     cmpeq   t1,0x3d,t1
 b84:   00 ff 5f e4     beq     t1,788 <__gettextparse+0x588>
 b88:   50 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2128(sp)
 b8c:   06 00 1f 21     lda     t7,6
 b90:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 b94:   22 16 9e 48     zapnot  t3,0xf0,t1
 b98:   00 00 a3 b4     stq     t4,0(t2)
 b9c:   02 01 bf 20     lda     t4,258
 ba0:   02 94 41 44     or      t1,0xc,t1
 ba4:   50 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2128(sp)
 ba8:   c2 fd ff c3     br      2b4 <__gettextparse+0xb4>
 bac:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 bb0:   02 00 b6 20     lda     t4,2(t8)
 bb4:   01 00 56 2c     ldq_u   t1,1(t8)
 bb8:   50 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2128(sp)
 bbc:   42 0f 45 48     extqh   t1,t4,t1
 bc0:   82 17 47 48     sra     t1,0x38,t1
 bc4:   a2 b5 47 40     cmpeq   t1,0x3d,t1
 bc8:   3b 00 40 f4     bne     t1,cb8 <__gettextparse+0xab8>
 bcc:   22 16 9e 48     zapnot  t3,0xf0,t1
 bd0:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 bd4:   03 01 bf 20     lda     t4,259
 bd8:   02 14 41 44     or      t1,0x8,t1
 bdc:   50 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2128(sp)
 be0:   00 00 03 b5     stq     t7,0(t2)
 be4:   07 00 1f 21     lda     t7,7
 be8:   b2 fd ff c3     br      2b4 <__gettextparse+0xb4>
 bec:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 bf0:   02 00 d6 20     lda     t5,2(t8)
 bf4:   01 00 56 2c     ldq_u   t1,1(t8)
 bf8:   25 11 a6 40     subl    t4,0x30,t4
 bfc:   42 0f 46 48     extqh   t1,t5,t1
 c00:   82 17 47 48     sra     t1,0x38,t1
 c04:   22 11 46 40     subl    t1,0x30,t1
 c08:   06 f0 5f 44     and     t1,0xff,t5
 c0c:   a6 37 c1 40     cmpule  t5,0x9,t5
 c10:   0e 00 c0 e4     beq     t5,c4c <__gettextparse+0xa4c>
 c14:   01 00 08 21     lda     t7,1(t7)
 c18:   17 04 e8 47     mov     t7,t9
 c1c:   01 00 08 21     lda     t7,1(t7)
 c20:   45 04 a5 40     s4addq  t4,t4,t4
 c24:   00 00 d7 2c     ldq_u   t5,0(t9)
 c28:   02 00 e2 43     sextl   t1,t1
 c2c:   05 04 a5 40     addq    t4,t4,t4
 c30:   46 0f c8 48     extqh   t5,t7,t5
 c34:   05 04 45 40     addq    t1,t4,t4
 c38:   82 17 c7 48     sra     t5,0x38,t1
 c3c:   22 11 46 40     subl    t1,0x30,t1
 c40:   06 f0 5f 44     and     t1,0xff,t5
 c44:   a6 37 c1 40     cmpule  t5,0x9,t5
 c48:   f3 ff df f4     bne     t5,c18 <__gettextparse+0xa18>
 c4c:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 c50:   50 08 be b4     stq     t4,2128(sp)
 c54:   0b 00 1f 21     lda     t7,11
 c58:   06 01 bf 20     lda     t4,262
 c5c:   00 00 e3 b6     stq     t9,0(t2)
 c60:   94 fd ff c3     br      2b4 <__gettextparse+0xb4>
 c64:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 c68:   1f 04 ff 47     nop     
 c6c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 c70:   50 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2128(sp)
 c74:   05 01 bf 20     lda     t4,261
 c78:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 c7c:   22 16 9e 48     zapnot  t3,0xf0,t1
 c80:   00 00 03 b5     stq     t7,0(t2)
 c84:   09 00 1f 21     lda     t7,9
 c88:   02 94 40 44     or      t1,0x4,t1
 c8c:   50 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2128(sp)
 c90:   88 fd ff c3     br      2b4 <__gettextparse+0xb4>
 c94:   09 04 ed 47     mov     s4,s0
 c98:   01 00 5f 21     lda     s1,1
 c9c:   01 fe ff c3     br      4a4 <__gettextparse+0x2a4>
 ca0:   09 04 ed 47     mov     s4,s0
 ca4:   02 00 5f 21     lda     s1,2
 ca8:   fe fd ff c3     br      4a4 <__gettextparse+0x2a4>
 cac:   09 04 ef 47     mov     fp,s0
 cb0:   01 00 5f 21     lda     s1,1
 cb4:   fe fd ff c3     br      4b0 <__gettextparse+0x2b0>
 cb8:   22 16 9e 48     zapnot  t3,0xf0,t1
 cbc:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 cc0:   07 00 1f 21     lda     t7,7
 cc4:   02 54 41 44     or      t1,0xa,t1
 cc8:   50 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2128(sp)
 ccc:   00 00 a3 b4     stq     t4,0(t2)
 cd0:   03 01 bf 20     lda     t4,259
 cd4:   77 fd ff c3     br      2b4 <__gettextparse+0xb4>
 cd8:   22 16 9e 48     zapnot  t3,0xf0,t1
 cdc:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 ce0:   07 00 1f 21     lda     t7,7
 ce4:   02 74 41 44     or      t1,0xb,t1
 ce8:   50 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2128(sp)
 cec:   00 00 a3 b4     stq     t4,0(t2)
 cf0:   03 01 bf 20     lda     t4,259
 cf4:   6f fd ff c3     br      2b4 <__gettextparse+0xb4>
 cf8:   50 08 9e a4     ldq     t3,2128(sp)
 cfc:   06 00 1f 21     lda     t7,6
 d00:   40 08 7e a4     ldq     t2,2112(sp)
 d04:   22 16 9e 48     zapnot  t3,0xf0,t1
 d08:   00 00 a3 b4     stq     t4,0(t2)
 d0c:   02 01 bf 20     lda     t4,258
 d10:   02 b4 41 44     or      t1,0xd,t1
 d14:   50 08 5e b4     stq     t1,2128(sp)
 d18:   66 fd ff c3     br      2b4 <__gettextparse+0xb4>
 d1c:   00 00 fe 2f     unop    
 note: yytranslate = 
 note: yypact = 
 note: yydefact = 
 note: yypgoto = "\37777777766\37777777766"
 note: yydefgoto = "\37777777777\005"
 note: yytable = 
 note: yycheck = 
 note: yystos = 
 note: yyr1 = "\000\020\021\022\022\022\022\022\022\022\022\022\022"
 note: yyr2 = "\000\002\001\005\003\003\003\003\003\003\002\001\001"

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