Invalid_Value in most cases uses a predefined numeric value from a
built-in table, but if the type does not include zero in its range, the
literal 0 is used instead. In that case the value (produced by a call to
Get_Simple_Init_Val) must be resolved for proper type information.

The following must compile quietly:

   gnatmake -q main

with Problems; use Problems;
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;

procedure Main is

   Put_Line ("P1: " & P1'Image);
   Put_Line ("P2: " & P2'Image);
   Put_Line ("P3: " & P3'Image);
   Put_Line ("P4: " & P4'Image);

end Main;
package Problems is

   function P1 return Integer;
   function P2 return Long_Integer;

   -- Max. number of prime factors a number can have is log_2 N
   -- For N = 600851475143, this is ~ 40
   -- type P3_Factors is array (1 .. 40) of Long_Integer;
   function P3 return Long_Integer;

   type P4_Palindrome is range 100*100 .. 999*999;
   function P4 return P4_Palindrome;

end Problems;
package body Problems is

   function P1 return Integer is separate;
   function P2 return Long_Integer is separate;
   function P3 return Long_Integer is separate;
   function P4 return P4_Palindrome is separate;

end Problems;

function P1 return Integer is

   Sum : Integer range 0 .. 500_500 := 0;


   for I in Integer range 1 .. 1000 - 1 loop
      if I mod 3 = 0 or I mod 5 = 0 then
         Sum := Sum + I;
      end if;
   end loop;

   return Sum;

end P1;

function P2 return Long_Integer is

   subtype Total is Long_Integer range 0 .. 8_000002e6 ;
   subtype Elem  is Total        range 0 .. 4e7 ;

   Sum : Total := 0;
   a, b, c : Elem;

   a := 1;
   b := 2;

      if b mod 2 = 0 then
         Sum := Sum + b;
      end if;

      c := b;
      b := a + b;
      a := c;

      exit when b >= 4e6;
   end loop;

   return Sum;

end P2;
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; use Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;

function P3 return Long_Integer is

   -- Greatest prime factor
   GPF      : Long_Integer       := 1;

   Dividend : Long_Integer  := 600851475143;
   Factor   : Long_Integer  := 2;
   Quotient : Long_Integer;


   while Dividend > 1 loop
      Quotient := Dividend / Factor;
      if Dividend mod Factor = 0 then
         GPF := Factor;
         Dividend := Quotient;
         if Factor >= Quotient then
            GPF := Dividend;
         end if;
         Factor := Factor + 1;
      end if;
   end loop;

   return GPF;

end P3;
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
function P4 return P4_Palindrome is

   type TripleDigit is range 100 .. 999;
   a, b: TripleDigit := TripleDigit'First;

   c : P4_Palindrome;

   Max_Palindrome : P4_Palindrome := P4_Palindrome'Invalid_Value;

   function Is_Palindrome (X : in P4_Palindrome) return Boolean is

      type Int_Digit is range 0 .. 9;
      type Int_Digits is array (1 .. 6) of Int_Digit;

      type Digit_Extractor is range 0 .. P4_Palindrome'Last;
      Y : Digit_Extractor := Digit_Extractor (X);
      X_Digits : Int_Digits;


      for I in reverse X_Digits'Range loop
         X_Digits (I) := Int_Digit (Y mod 10);
         Y := Y / 10;
      end loop;

        (X_Digits (1) = X_Digits (6) and X_Digits (2) = X_Digits (5) and
             X_Digits (3) = X_Digits (4)) or
        (X_Digits (2) = X_Digits (6) and X_Digits (3) = X_Digits (5) and
             X_Digits(1) = 0);

   end Is_Palindrome;


   for a in TripleDigit'Range loop
      for b in TripleDigit'Range loop
         c := P4_Palindrome (a * b);
         if Is_Palindrome (c) then
            if Max_Palindrome'Valid or else c > Max_Palindrome then
               Max_Palindrome := c;
            end if;
         end if;
      end loop;
   end loop;

   return Max_Palindrome;

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2019-07-01  Ed Schonberg  <>


        * exp_attr.adb (Expand_Attribute_Reference, case Invalid_Value):
        Resolve result of call to Get_Simple_Init_Val, which may be a
        conversion of a literal.
--- gcc/ada/exp_attr.adb
+++ gcc/ada/exp_attr.adb
@@ -4242,6 +4242,11 @@ package body Exp_Attr is
       when Attribute_Invalid_Value =>
          Rewrite (N, Get_Simple_Init_Val (Ptyp, N));
+         --  The value produced may be a conversion of a literal, which
+         --  must be resolved to establish its proper type.
+         Analyze_And_Resolve (N);
       -- Last --

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