On 9/30/19 11:03 AM, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
On 28/09/19 23:12 +0200, François Dumont wrote:
Here is what I just commited.

Thanks. In my branch I had a lot more _GLIBCXX20_CONSTEXPR additions
in the debug mode headers. Is it not needed on __check_singular,
__foreign_iterator etc. ?

Yes, I know, I just limited myself to fixing testsuite tests for the moment. I'll check if those need it too.

I try to use the asm trick in the _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY_COND_AT but didn't notice any enhancement. So for now I kept my solution to just have a non-constexpr call compiler error.

You won't see any improvement in the testsuite, because the compiler
flags for the testsuite suppress diagnostic notes. But I'd expect it
to give better output for users with the default compiler flags.
Ok, I didn't know, I'll give it another try then outside testsuite.

diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_algo.h b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_algo.h
index a672f8b2b39..f25b8b76df6 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_algo.h
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_algo.h
@@ -5054,8 +5054,8 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
   *  @param  __last1   Another iterator.
   *  @param  __last2   Another iterator.
   *  @param  __result  An iterator pointing to the end of the merged range. -   *  @return         An iterator pointing to the first element <em>not less
-   *                  than</em> @e val.
+   *  @return   An output iterator equal to @p __result + (__last1 - __first1)
+   *            + (__last2 - __first2).
   *  Merges the ranges @p [__first1,__last1) and @p [__first2,__last2) into
   *  the sorted range @p [__result, __result + (__last1-__first1) +
@@ -5102,8 +5102,8 @@ _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ALGO
   *  @param  __last2   Another iterator.
   *  @param  __result  An iterator pointing to the end of the merged range.
   *  @param  __comp    A functor to use for comparisons.
-   *  @return         An iterator pointing to the first element "not less
-   *                  than" @e val.
+   *  @return   An output iterator equal to @p __result + (__last1 - __first1)
+   *            + (__last2 - __first2).
   *  Merges the ranges @p [__first1,__last1) and @p [__first2,__last2) into
   *  the sorted range @p [__result, __result + (__last1-__first1) +

These changes are fine but should have been a separate, unrelated

Ok, sorry, I consider that just a comment change was fine.

@@ -157,10 +192,16 @@ namespace __gnu_debug
   *  otherwise.
  template<typename _InputIterator>
    inline bool
    __valid_range(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last,
          typename _Distance_traits<_InputIterator>::__type& __dist)
+#ifdef __cpp_lib_is_constant_evaluated
+      if (std::is_constant_evaluated())
+    // Detected by the compiler directly.
+    return true;

Should this be using the built-in, not the C++20 function?

In practice it's probably equivalent, because the function is only
going to be constant-evaluated when called from C++20 code, and in
that case the std::is_constant_evaluated() function will be available.

Yes, this is why I did it this way. And moreover it is using std::pair move assignment operator which is also C++20 constexpr.

It just seems inconsistent to use the built-in in one place and not in
the other.

It is also the reason why the simple simple __valid_range is not using the other anymore.

Maybe once I'll have check all the algo calls I'll find out that this one need _GLIBCXX_CONSTEXPR.

I got the sensation that library is being 'constexpr' decorated only when needed and when properly Standardise so are the Debug helpers.


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