On Sat, Oct 12, 2019 at 10:21:56AM -0400, David Malcolm wrote:
> It seems like instead it's displaying this:
> https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Warning-Options.html#index-Wshadow=local-Wshadow=local%1B]8

That's what it does for me (well, with weird escapes at both ends).  And
if run inside a tmux it just shows what you wanted to show, but there is
no way to click it: the URL is not displayed at all.

> What happens if you try this at the terminal:
>   printf '\e]8;;http://example.com\e\\This is a link\e]8;;\e\\\n'

In gnome term it shows a bunch of funny escapes.  In xterm it just
displays "This is a link", without any way to click it, like in the
tmux scenario.

The links are wrong btw, they should be version-specific?

> I don't yet know if there's a way to query the terminal to see if the
> escape is supported.  My hope was that they would be silently
> discarded.

Just display the URL if you want this?  That works, and has always worked,
and many terminals have convenient ways to use that (have had that since
forever, too).

Can we have this *off* by default, please?  The warnings are getting
way too verbose.  Often one warning does not fit on one screen already!

> > Do you see a way to find out if the escape sequences are supported,
> > or how to disable this function per configure option?
> Do you mean a GCC configure-time option to change the default?  We have
> that for colors;

Do we?  I've had GCC_COLORS= since forever; is this finally not needed
anymore?  Neat :-)  Now just ASAN_OPTIONS=color=never TSAN_OPTIONS=color=never
by default and there is a bit of sanity again.

> Is this working/broken for other people?

I've only tried your example so far, and that does not work :-(


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