On 15/11/19 13:28 +0100, Jakub Jelinek wrote:
On Thu, Nov 14, 2019 at 08:34:26PM +0100, Jakub Jelinek wrote:
The following WIP patch implements __builtin_source_location (),
which returns const void pointer to a std::source_location::__impl
struct that is required to contain __file, __function, __line and __column
fields, the first two with const char * type, the latter some integral type.

Here is hopefully final version, with the hashing implemented,
__file renamed to __file_name and __function to __function_name to match
how the standard names the methods and with testsuite coverage.

The libstdc++ naming convention says the data members should be
_M_file_name, _M_line etc.

Since this is just a normal library type now, not defined by the
compiler, I think we should follow the library convention (sorry for
not noticing that sooner).

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