On 11/26/19 7:33 PM, Mark Eggleston wrote:
  htdocs/gcc-10/changes.html | 41 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

+      <li>
+        Default fields widths can be used for <code>I</code>, <code>F</code>
+        and <code>G</code> format specifiers when excplicit widths are omitted.
+        Use the option <code>-fdec-format-defaults</code>, this options is 
+        with <code>-fdec</code>.
+      </li>

Typo: excplicit. I had to read it twice and look at the manual: The options permits to use I/F/G data-edit descriptors** without specifying a number (a width) and then a default width is used. At the first reading, I wondered whether in the code or on the command line one specifies the default value.

Maybe the following is clearer:
"For formatted input/output, if the explicit widths after the data-edit descriptors <code>I</code>, <code>F</code> and <code>G</code> have been omitted, default widths are used."

Other wording suggestions are welcome.

+      <li>
+        A blank format item at the end of a format specification i.e. nothing
+        following the final comma is allowed.  Use the option
+        <code>-fdec-blank-format-item</code>, this options is implied with
+        <code>-fdec</code>.
+      </li>
(I personally would add a comma before 'i.e.' and 'is allowed' – but commas are a rather personal affair.*)
+    <li>
+      Character type names in errors and warnings now include <code>len</code>
+      in addition to <code>kind</code>, <code>*</code> is used for assumed
+      length. The kind is omitted if it the default kind. Examples:
+      <code>CHARACTER(12)</code>, <code>CHARACTER(6,4)</code>.

I'd use a semicolon instead of a comma before "* is used for". And add an 'is' after 'if it'.

Otherwise, it looks good to me.


*Cf. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/02/23/holy-writ
** data-edit-desc is the wording used by the Fortran standard; but I don't think its name makes it immediately clear what is meant.

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