On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 03:33:22PM +0000, Richard Earnshaw (lists) wrote:
> > Some examples would be useful I'd say, e.g. it is unclear in what way you
> > want the PR number to be appended, shall it be
> > something: whatever words describe it PR12345
> > or
> > something: whatever words describe it (PR12345)
> > or
> > something: whatever words describe it: PR12345
> > or
> > something: whatever words describe it [PR12345]
> > or something else?
> Glibc use "[BZ #nnnn]" - obviously BZ becomes PR, but after that, I'm not
> too worried.  I'd be happy with [PR #nnnn], but if folk want something else,
> please say so quickly...

[PR 12345] or [PR #12345] is bad, because the bugzilla won't underline it,
it needs to be either PR12345 word, or PR component/12345 .


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