On Tue, Feb 04, 2020 at 04:44:04PM -0600, Bill Schmidt wrote:
> >"ldv" certainly is shorter and nicer in principle, but it is a bit
> >cryptic.  As I said, it's probably not too hard to get used to it; and
> >maybe a better name will present itself?
> Maybe ldvec and stvec would serve without introducing specific builtin 
> confusion.

Let's go with that, if nothing better shows up.

> >That's not what I meant...  Can you say
> >here?  Or even just
> >or
> >   [1]
> >for always, or
> >   [0]
> >for never ("commented out").
> Ah!  Sorry for misunderstanding.  Right now just an identifier is 
> allowed, but we could certainly grab the whole string between the [] and 
> drop it in with no concerns.  Hopefully we both remember when we get to 
> the patch that reads the stanzas...



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