HSA Hope Project

Hundreds of children are going to school hungry, exhausted and poorly clothed 
because their parents are so strapped for cash. Starving pupils dressed in 
­threadbare clothes and shabby shoes stealing food from classmates - it sounds 
like a scene from a horror movie, but this is the reality of life, and still a 
reality even in the new decade of 2020. there has been an increase in the 
number of pupils turning up to school without having eaten breakfast or the 
night before.

Some are so hungry they have resorted to stealing food from others, some even 
stealing extra keeping it for their siblings at home.
None of this is because the parents are lacking in parental skills or are poor 
managers of their budget, as they have no budget to rely on or earn so little, 
it is a daily struggle just to keep a roof over their children’s heads, with 
living expenses going up and jobs getting cut on a regular basis. These 
children already suffer so much, when they get to school, they get teased and 
bullied for not wearing the correct uniform and not having the necessary school 
needs. Please help us make a change in a child’s life. The children and 
families that we assist is located across South Africa.

If they have no or little lunch, we provide them with one but who knows what 
they get for dinner? And what happens in the holidays? That is why Helping SA 
will be helping these children and their families with food parcels, furniture, 
clothing and whatever they may need we will also be assisting in helping to 
find the parents employment.
We assist families with children with weekly/monthly food parcels; it becomes 
difficult for children to stay positive about the future when they don’t even 
know when and where they will receive their next meal, it cost us +/- R1800 per 
month per family for their food parcel, that is why we rely on the public for 
donations so that we can be able to do this.

The fundraising will be done by asking for a R100 donation, in return you will 
receive a Hope Ribbon and an invoice to claim back from tax. Please help us to 
make this a memorable year for all. If you are doing a donation through the 
bank please reply to this email with your details and postal address to ensure 
you receive your Invoice and ribbon. Donations received towards our Hope 
project will be used to buy food, school clothes and shoes and stationary. This 
project will assist families with children as well as children safety houses 
and orphanages. 

To view our NPO and Section 18A certificate please visit our website 
(to receive copies of our certificates / proof of registration, accounting 
letters etc. you can also email adminor reply to this email requesting 

Because we buy in bulk, we are able to assist more with less;

R50 –       2 Children / Elderly have food for 1 day

R 100 –    2 Children / Elderly have food for 2 days

R 500 –    2 Children / Elderly have food for 10 days

R 1000 – 2 Children / Elderly have food for 20 days

R5000 –   2 Children / Elderly have food for 3 months

R10’000 – 2 Children / Elderly have food for 6 Months (186 days)
You can give hope where there is none!!

Hope you can find it your heart to assist with this project.

ACC NR; 4080925296 
BRANCH:  632005 
ACC NR; 1162381620 
BRANCH: 198765  


Yours Faithfully
Leonie Botha                                                                    
Helping SA
081 703 6774
Alternative email: admin (@) helpingsa (.co.za) 
Web:  (www) helping-sa (.co.za)
please remove brackets when emailing or visiting our website, its for email 
purposes to prevent extra links
NPO:  115-333
PBO: 930043138
"Generosity consists not the sum given, but the manner in which it is bestowed"

If you wish not to receive emails from me, please reply with a blank email and 
I will never email you again, we do not mean to spam anyone we are just trying 
to assist as many as possible. Thanking you in advance. OR REMOVE      We 
rather email than trouble you on the phone while you are busy this way you can 
decide when you have time to go through our email.


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