On 22/05/20 10:57 pm, François Dumont wrote:
On 21/05/20 2:17 pm, Jonathan Wakely wrote:

Why is the optimization not done for C++03 mode?

I did it this way because the new std::copy overload rely on std::copy_n implementation details which is a C++11 algo.

It looks like the uses of 'auto' can be reaplced easily, and
__enable_if_t<> can be replaced with __gnu_cxx::__enable_if<>::__type.

But yes, we can indeed provide those implementation details in pre-C++11.

This is what I've done in this new version.

Note that I expose all __copy_n_a overloads in stl_algobase.h and not only the overload needed for the std::copy. Let me know if you prefer to limit it.

Tested under Linux x86_64 in default c++ mode.

I tried to use CXXFLAGS=-std=c++03 but it doesn't seem to work even if I do see the option in build logs. I remember you adivised a different approach, can you tell me again ?


I forgot to mention that "doesn't seem to work" above means that all C++11 or higher tests are reported as FAIL in this case. I was expecting an UNSUPPORTED.

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